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I watched as Damon and Stefan brought their moms coffin, this time with her body in it. The snow fell softly and with it being a funeral there was more than just a cold chill in the air. Nora and Valerie stood waiting a few steps from me. They both looked devastated and I assume for Nora, it wasn't just because of Lily's death. Mary Louise sided with Julien, she was the reason he didn't die too. I'm sure things were bad for her, but to be quite honest, she may have deserved the pain she was feeling.

I held my arm and watched as they placed the coffin on the dirt. "Well is this it? The whole funeral party?" Damon asked looking at everyone. He tried to argue with the heretics, but they weren't having it. Strangely, he didn't seem upset whatsoever. I didn't understand how he could be so angry at her. She was dead for crying out loud, you'd think he'd feel a glimpse of regret or sadness.

Stefan stood next to me and I grabbed his hand to comfort him. He seemed disappointed. I couldn't tell in what, maybe Damon, probably his mom, either one I'm sure he was in pain.

"All right. Let's get her done." Damon sighed as I looked at him.

"Wait, we should say something." Stefan insisted with a small nod.

"No, we shouldn't." Damon scoffed at his younger brother.

"Yes, we should." Nora agreed rather sassily. She sighed and walked over to the grave. "When I was a girl, I loved my mother deeply. She loved me, too, until she found out about my little siphoning problem. If she only knew that was just one of the things that made me different. When she turned her back on me, I thought I'd never find that kind of love again. You proved me wrong. Thank you, Lily." Nora spoke emotionally. She walked away and Valerie came after her.

"Next." Damon groaned obnoxiously.

"You knew me at my brightest and my darkest. No matter what my mood, you always saw the light in me." Valerie kept it short and sweet. "I'll miss you Lily." She said softly putting her hand on the mahogany coffin. She turned to Stefan and pulled out flowers from her pocket. I looked at her confused.

"Cream violets. You remembered." Stefan commented quietly as she nodded.

"Of course I did." She replied.

"Thank you." He spoke as he started to get emotional again. He grabbed the flowers from her hand and twirled them lightly.

"We'll leave you to it." Valerie nodded as I turned to Stefan.

"Well?" Damon asked looking to Stefan.

"How many times do you get a second chance to deliver your mother's eulogy?" Stefan asked in reply.

"Good point, brother. How's this?" Damon cleared his throat dramatically before leaning forward toward Lily's coffin. "Lily, you were a terrible mother when you were alive, and you were a terrible mother when you were dead." Damon spoke as I looked at him with a face in between disgust and shock. He simply smirked. "You're right! It does feel good." He walked away and I watched him.

"How can he hate her that much?" I asked watching Damon's figure fade into the darkness.

"I wish I knew." He replied as he opened the coffin. Her skin was desiccated and she was starting to smell. He looked at her before placing the flowers in her hands. He closed the coffin and I rubbed his back lightly.

It was a quiet night. I let Stefan know I was there for him. I hated seeing him so upset. He said he wanted to find Julien and end it once and for all. I wanted to go with him but he refused and as much as I wanted to argue I didn't. He deserved this one chance to not be worried about me while on a mission. Besides, it was Christmas time already and I had to buy presents.

Silver Linings: Acatalepsy {A TVD Fanfic trilogy}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum