Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 7

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Emma Gilbert meets Elena Flemming AU... big fun

I got into history for another day and no one was there. And by no one I mean Stefan. I was worried about what he did to Elena. I must've sent twenty texts just last night to make sure he was okay. I sighed looking up to our new teacher. He seemed prepared, mostly. He wrote his name on the board and looked around while he spoke.

"Alaric Saltzman. I know it's a mouth full. It doesn't roll off the tongue. My family emigrated here in 1755 to-" he paused and I tapped my pencil. After noticing for a moment I looked back up at him and he laughed lightly shaking his head. "Sorry about that- to Texas." He finished. I furrowed my brows lightly and looked away from the teacher who kept spewing.

I was confused why he gave me that look and I felt eyes on me. I turned around to see Bonnie looking at me. She always was doing that but this time she seemed a little sick.

The bell rang and I looked at Bonnie. "What is it this time?" I questioned more curious about her answer this time as last time her prophecy- if that's what you would call it, was true.

"Nothing I just saw a girl here today. She looks just like you." She commented.

"Are you okay Bonnie?" I questioned now concerned for the girl.

"Like you care." She sassed as she grabbed her books and scurried our of the classroom.

I took a breath and put on my backpack when the teacher looked up to me. "Uh, Emmaline Gilbert, right?" He asked as I looked at him.

"Yeah but most people call me Emma." I told him as he nodded.

"Emma ok." He nodded looking at me. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be creepy. You just look a lot like my daughter, Elena." He told me as I recalled my conversation with Bonnie.

"Yeah I've heard of a new girl that looks like me." I nodded. "Well I have to go to class but I'm sure I'll meet her today." I nodded to the man as he gave me a kind smile on my way out. How much does a person have to look like you for her own dad to notice.

I went the day hearing all about the new girl Elena. I didn't talk to a lot of people but suddenly everybody knew my name when that girl was mentioned. I hadn't had the chance to meet her. That was until the end of the day.

I went into my chemistry class and saw a girl talking to the teacher. "Well that's her right there." The blonde science teacher spoke as the girl turned to me.

"Woah." We both said at the same time looking at each other. There were differences. She had her hair up in a neat ponytail while mine was down in loose curls, but they were the same color. Plus her nose was a bit smaller and she was a bit rounder around the cheeks but not enough to really notice. It was almost like looking into a mirror.

"I'm Emma." I introduced.

"Elena Flemming." She replied. "So the rumors are true."

"Yeah I guess so." I replied. "This is like the parent trap kind of freaky." I joked as she laughed.

"Yeah." She smiled and she was a looker. No wonder everyone was talking about her. She was pretty, she seemed nice, at least nicer than me, and she had that preppy kind of style. She wore jeans, converse, and a light pink long sleeve shirt, while I was wearing, jeans, boots, a black bomber jacket and a purple blouse. The bell rang and we both went to our respective spots but after class we were quick to meet up with each other.

"So your dad is Mr. Saltzman?" I questioned.

"He's my step dad. I don't know who my real dad is and I was kind of thinking that maybe he's related to you somehow." She suggested in more of a question than anything.

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