Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 8

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Emma and Stefan angst/ first time

Dealing with Bonnie, it was scary. Stefan gave her his blood which strangely enough healed her. I watched and I was shocked. She was a freakin witch. It made sense now, but the night only got worse.

Stefan said he was leaving and it made me sad because some part of me wanted to hold him again and never let go. I knew that but I didn't realize until now why it was so important to me.

After that Bonnie came to my house. We both cried explaining everything to the other. We realized the reason we were fighting was stupid and that we had bigger things to worry about. We were the others supernatural rock. It was frightening and comforting at the same time.

She eventually went home to sleep and I got some rest myself. Soon I was awake and brushing my teeth when I saw Jeremy sketching in the sketchbook I got him for Christmas. I smiled at it. One thing good in all this bad was my brother. Without him I don't know where I would be right now.

I spit out my toothpaste and went over to him. "Whats that?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"Nothing yet." He replied.

"But something great soon." I finished letting out a soft sigh. Our mom would always say that to us when we drew.

I went back to downstairs and Jenna and I talked about relationship problems. I checked my phone for some sort of message from Stefan, but nothing. We both walked out together. She was officially dropping Logan, who showed up our of nowhere. I was proud of her and I honestly wished it was that easy for Stefan and I.

I got to school and found my way over to Tyler who talked football with one of his jock friends. I looked at my phone when he nudged me lightly. I looked up to see Caroline and Matt being very flirt with each other.

"Your friend and my friend... weird." I looked at the two as they laughed.

"Yeah." He replied.

"At least she found somebody." I spoke fiddling with my nails.

"Nothing new with Salvatore?" He questioned as I sighed.

"No he says he's moving and I'm trying to forget about him but I just- I've never been in a relationship Ty and I don't want to let go." I explained as Tyler's other friend left.

"Letting Go is easy." He shrugged.

"Yeah for a player like you." I crossed my arms. I saw Bonnie and she gave me a small smile. "Hey I gotta go." I looked to Tyler.

"You and Bonnie Bennett? On speaking terms?" He questioned knowing full well it was strange.

"Yeah I know. I'll see you later." I smiled lightly before going to Bonnie. "So how are you doing?"

"I mean okay I guess. It's weird but I'm handling it." She explained. "And you and Stefan?"

"Major complicated. I wish it wasn't but-" I shrugged. "He's leaving."

"Maybe it's for the better." She suggested.

"Yeah no. I don't think so." I crossed my arms shaking my head.

"I mean he's a vampire. He needs human blood."

"Stefan doesn't do that." I defended him.

"I'm just warning you. I don't get good vibes." She explained.

"But you don't know him like I do Bonnie. He saved you." I explained getting a bit agitated before walking away.

The end of the day came and I saw Stefan outside waiting for me. "You're still in town?"

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