Chapter 10.

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"Hey, baby. You alright?" Adam waved a hand in front of my face, making me flinch and blink my eyes rapidly in confusion.

"Oh, wow, didn't see you come in," I murmured and hoped he hadn't caught me staring at Cole.

He let out a huff. "Yeah, I noticed. Who was that guy?"

There was an edge to his tone and I narrowed my eyes in his direction. "I don't know, just some guy Mads is going out with. Why are you acting so suspicious?"

Not waiting for him to reply, I turned and walked behind the counter. I started wiping it down and exhaled slowly. "Do you want anything? Coffee? Tea? You hungry?" I said and looked up when he came to stand before me.

"No, I'm good. Thought we could bring some sandwiches with us and munch on in front of a movie or something? I'm free tomorrow so we could sleep in," he winked.

"I'm tired," I snapped, surprising myself.

The dark cloud hanging over my head since discovering Adam's sneaky manners still hadn't went away.

"Whoa, what's up with you?" He run a hand through his hair, letting it rest on his neck.

Coming to the conclusion that this wasn't the best time nor place to bring it up, I tried giving him a smile. "I'm sorry, haven't had the best of days. Customers have been ruthless and I just wanna go home to my bed."

He stepped around the counter and put his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "I understand. Why don't we do something tomorrow instead, you're off work too, right?"

"Sure." I tried not to feel disappointed by how easily he'd let his proposal slide.

"At least let me drive you home. I didn't see your car so I'm assuming you walked." His hands rubbed my back.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling myself relax a bit when my nostrils were hit with his familiar scent. "Yeah, I'd like that. Thanks."

Adam gave me a peck on the top of my head before releasing me. "Mind if I grab a sandwich or two? I'm starving."

Since our policy was to always offer freshly made food, the things that weren't sold had to be thrown away at the end of the day. Or we could take whatever we wanted. The perks of working at a café. Our boss preferred we got rid off it, but since he was never here, nobody cared.

"Absolutely, take whatever you like. Could you pack me a salmon bagel, please?" As per usual, my stomach was empty because of the lack of lunch. Finding time to eat while working here was rare.

He nodded and patted my behind lightly, making me giggle and almost forget being sulky. "Go get whatever you need to do done and I'll be waiting in the car."

I hurried with the last things that needed prepping for tomorrow before I changed and locked up.

Adam handed me a small bag with my bagel when I got into the car and grinned when he saw my huge eyes take in his much larger one.

"Are you having people over or something?" I laughed. It seemed he had taken all that was left, I could spot two blueberry muffins sticking out.

"Just really hungry," he said and drove off.

If I wanted to confront him about what I'd found in his bag and what he was doing at HES the day before, now was the time. Perhaps I shouldn't mention the club. He would ask how I knew and I would have to tell him Harry texted me.

Fidgeting with the straps on my purse, I cleared my throat. "Um, so I've been meaning to ask you about something I found the other day, in your bedroom?" It came out as a question, a sure sign of my edginess.

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