First Day Back In Prison

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You know that feeling you got when you we're younger and you had a trip the next day. You stayed up all night, hype as fuck staring at your outfit..

Well that's how the first day of school used to be for me..

I don't like school and I used to have a friend who actually came to school to learn. So knowing me, I kept her around for tests and projects but once I realized she literally eat, sleep, and breathe school I had to drop her odd ass.

I was awoken by my brother listening to XXXtentacion early in the morning.

I shot up and burst into my brother room.

"Can you please turn that down, my eardrums are ringing" I stood in front of his door with my eyes low.

"I can't believe he's really gone" he sat on the floor Indian style, super emotional.

I went in my room ignoring him and started playing Timeless by A Boogie.

I did all my hygiene stuff, all I had left was hair and outfit. As I looked around my drawers and came across some blue denim jeans and a yellow top. I put on my white and yellow vans. My hair was kind of all ready,I mean it is already naturally hella puffy and curly and styling it would damn near take all day. some times I look at my hair and get scared, like why are you so long and curly ?


As I sit on the bus cooling out to my music I realize I was gonna miss my stop

"Oh shit" I say literally running off the bus.

I know the bus driver wanted to laugh at me but he just shook his head and drove off.

It's a slow morning this senior year and when I tell you I can't wait for this bum ass shit to be over.....I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!

But on the bright side I have my ride or dies with me.

As I get closer to the schools building I see the whole gang outside being irresponsible as usual.

"YURRRRRRRRRR!" Damien basically screams at me

I knew Damien since middle school but we fell off when we approached 8th grade, but now we're on good terms even though I wanna pop on him literally everyday.


KC is the comedian of the group, Even though he is laid back he will not hesitate to put someone in check.

"Honestly can ya'll like....shut the fuck up" Alison said looking at both of them with a stank face.

Alison is literally my everything and she is super pretty for no reason...No lie...I'd turn gay super quick for her, if she asked....Now that I think about it...ALL THESE MOTHERFUCKERS SEXY..Then there is just me.

"HoNeZLy CaN Ya'Ll LiKe, ShUt tHe FuCk uP" Damien said mocking her

"....Suck my dick then maybe I'll shut up" Once Damien said that it was dead silent and that's when I knew he fucked up.

"Suck wha?" Alison said calmly as she got up from the steps she was once sitting on.

"Chill, Niggas got class in like five minutes can ya'll like wait or some shit?" KC say as he got up too, gesturing us to go inside the building,

"NAH! SUCK WHAT ?" she made a fist and I knew I had to stop her I just didn't know how to.

" Hey babes, calm down, you know he's not about franks, so lets just go to the bathroom so you can cool down, okay?" I got in between them forcing her to look at me. I seen her calm down and she just nodded.

"Your right, You always are...Go on ahead I'll just get my bag off the steps"


'"NO!" I shout while running down the steps "Let him go Ally, we don't have time for this!"

She continues to send straight punches to his face and KC is no help.

"Come on guys, No, Please, stop" He stands at the top of the steps mocking a scared kid "Man fuck ya'll" He said leaving me to deal with this.

"CAN YA'LL NOT!!! ALLY WE HAVE SEBASTIAN FIRST PERIOD!!" That seemed to get her attention cause she lets Damien got and runs to her bag.


Damien's face is bloody but for some reason this sick fuck is laughing as he lays on the ground.

" What the hell?" I Iooked at Damien as if he had two heads

"Come on Sativa, leave him he'll be good" She said as she stands on the steps impatiently staring at me.

"Umm, Bitch his face is all bloody, fuck you mean he good?" I said as a I try to analyze Damien's face.

"Ight so ya'll can stay out here, bye" She said as she walks at a fast pace.

"Damn Damien but you got FUCKED UP ! Nah but I gotta go, I would kiss your forehead but I don't want AIDS."

As I walked inside my school I inhaled deeply and smiled as I realized the scent of the school. Depression, hoes, scammers, varsity teams, soon to be teen moms, and last but not least, lack of happiness.


Authors Notes : GLLLTTTTT!!

First story ever...Everything sounds better in my head but oh well hope you will enjoy.

(I apologize for any grammar issues)


Luna SativaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora