What Just Happened

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"So your not gonna talk to me now?"

No answer.


No answer.

"Kendall please." I whined.

He huffed and kept his eyes on the road.

"I don't like him."

"Like who ? Travis ?"

"Duh." He snapped.

"No need for you to get snappy with me, all I did was ask who, jealous much."

The car was at a sudden stop in the middle of the road. He turned to me and began to shout.

"YOU ARE MINE AND NO OTHER MAN WILL CALL YOU HIS GOT IT !" His face held so much anger and his eyes seemed black...Wait..WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY BLACK!?!?!?

I tried to get out the car but the doors were locked.

"Where do you think you are going?" He said through his teeth.

The car began to speed off causing me to lean against my seat and sit still.

"I refuse for you to leave me and you will not reject me...not ever." His black eyes still present while staring at the road, gripping the wheel.

"Please just take me home." I say holding back my tears.

"No." He sounded so calm at this point.


"Plans changed hun."

As much as I wanted to punch him in the face and get out, my heart wouldn't let me...FUCK MY HEART I HAVE TO GET AWAY FROM HIM BEFORE HE KILLS ME AND MY HEART STOPS BEATING.

I punched him right in the face and my hand was immediately met with fire.



"It kills me to see you in pain." He was a little too calm while staring at the road. He must have felt something right ?

"So take me home."

"Good one, No ." He said monotone

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"You did it to yourself when you answered that phone."

"Excuse me..It is my phone, I can answer it as I please."

"And I can take you as I please."

"No you can't, this is kidnapping'" I shot back.

"Do you not remember our conversation...I told you I would..You thought I was playing ?" He smirked while eyes glued to the road. Even with this going on I still wanted to hump him.

Somewhere along the ride I fought to keep my eyes opened, it was now dark and I refuse to not see every move he made, but I couldn't fight anymore.


My eyes were still sealed shut as I laid down on a comfy bed. I felt cool air on my neck, there was a smell, a smell that soothed me, made me feel safe and relaxed.I have only smelt this scent from one person...AND IT WAS KENDALL.

My eyes shot up. I glances down at my attire and I was wearing an over sized black shirt that reached right above my knees. I sat up from the comfortable bed with red silk covers, but was aggressively brought back down by Kendall's arm which was wrapped around my waist. He pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly. I could tell he was still sleeping and I needed to escape. I looked at the night stand next me to see if my phone was there, there was only a lamp...Even though he had a tight grip on me I had nothing to lose and I have to move quickly.

I grabbed the lamp but it didn't come towards me completely because its cord was plugged into the wall. I yanked it a couple of times, lightly so I didn't wake him. I was more so on the edge of the bed..I placed one foot on the ground and that's when I went for it.


I hit him in the head with the lamp and used all my might.

"OWE!" He let go of me and grabbed his eye with the hand he held onto me with.

I went straight for the door. I made my way down the hallway and steps , I saw the front door and bolted towards it. I was so close to freedom and I mentally thanked Mr. Allen for making us run almost all of the time before we were allowed to do whatever.I gripped the door knob but was yanked back and on the floor I was.


Kendall was now standing in front of me guarding the door. He only had on gray Calvin Klein boxers.

"Annnnnd, where were you going ?" He looked at me confused

"Just let me go" I said scooting back

He crouched down next to me and simply said..


That was all I needed to hear and it was a perfect opportunity to go straight for the baby maker.


I got up from where I was running and bolted to the back

'There has to be a back door'

And I was right..A DOOR THAT HAD A BIG ASS BACKYARD, WHICH LEADS TO THE WOODS. I ran right into it, I dodged trees and anything that could stand in between Kendall and my freedom. There was a growl in the distance and I knew I needed to move faster, but not fast enough... There was a gigantic black wolf in front of me...This this thing was HUGE .. His eyes looked extremely familiar but had some gold-ish glow to it.

I was frozen and my heart was beating out of my chest. I tried to take a step back but as soon as I moved it growled and showed it's teeth



Authors Notes :



Luna SativaWhere stories live. Discover now