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Being scared was an understatement, my heart was pounding out of chest and I have no clue of what to do.

'You should respond dickhead'

'so he must be crazy because where did the phone come from and why is his name in this phone ?'

'He must have gave it to me while I was sleeping.'

'But he would have to pay for a ticket and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let him board'

'But where did this phone come from and why was his number saved in it '

I was interrupted by a familiar voice, a voice that brought shivers down my spine.

"Sativa." By the tone of his voice you could tell he was not happy and I had no intentions on facing him.

"Sativa." He repeated impatiently, he was more stern and demanding.I had no choice but to look behind me.

I turned slowly and my head met the belt of his pants.

'Hey, shit was gonna happen sooner or later.' I blocked my thoughts and snapped my eyes to him.

He held multiple emotions in his eyes, confusion, annoyance, sadness, and relief. But one emotion over ruled all...ANGER.

I gulped so hard that my throat began to ache.

"Y-Yes?" I was scared.

He moved closer to the bed I was on and sat down next to me as I began to scoot over. Thank goodness that each person in first class has a curtain in their section so you could block off anyone.

He pulled the curtain, hiding us from everyone else.


Kendall's face became more relaxed and calm which was a little scary. His eyes studied me and I looked everywhere else except him.

"What are you doing here?" I thought I should break the ice.

"Look at me." Those simple words washed over my body so elegantly, his voice was so soothing and calm that it made me feel some type of way, a way that I can't explain.

I did as told and landed right on his eyes.

"Why ?" Was all his smooth voice could say.

"Why what ?"

"Why did you leave me ?"

"I didn't..at least I didn't mean to. I just ..Everything just happened so fast."

"I don't get you...first you kiss me then you try to run away, you throw that boy in my face and disobey me, you try to run away AGAIN, you accept me.. Now look at where we are.. running away."

" I told you to trust m-"

"And look at where that go me ?" He raised an eyebrow "When the plane lands we are going on another one back home..OUR HOME."

"Excuse me, just because I am your mate, it does not mean you have to keep me in that house, I should be free just like you, I am not a house wife."

Kendall leans closer to me and whispers calmly...

"You will be whatever I tell you to be."


Luna SativaWhere stories live. Discover now