Slow Down Love

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I mean Lisa is pretty, but I just don't see her as the first girl I would ever experience with. I don't have a problem with it..... I would just want friends if anything.

Lisa is curvy and has a smile, She is just stunning and her confidence just made her even more attractive.

"Ummm, are you okay ?" I looked honestly concerned.

Snapping back to reality she shook her head and looked at me as if she embarrassed herself.

"YEAH! sorry, I didn't mean to stare at you like that hone-"

"It's okay Lisa."

She gave me a warm smiled and zoned out.

I watched as everyone was now dressed in their gym clothes and waiting for Mr.Allen to call their names from the attendance sheet.

I looked at Allen but I felt someone staring at me, not wanting to look back I turned my attention to Lisa who had been staring at the floor out of shame. So I had to start conversation.

"Hey, why do you look so down?" I asked playfully.

She looked up at me surprised and happy that I was still talking to her.

"Not, Where are you from ?"

I told her I'm from New York and we continued to talk and laugh through the whole period I still felt this burning sensation on my neck because somebody was clearly not taught to not stare.

Next thing we knew, gym was over and Lisa and I had the same class and thank goodness it was the last.

"Statistics at the end of the day ? How nice" She sarcastically said.

We sat next to one another hardly paying attention to what the teacher was teaching.

"So did any of the teachers call you out and asked for you to introduce yourself to the class since you are new?"

"No, and I am so glad they didn't, I feel like that only happens in movies though." We both giggled

We soon realized class was over... boy time sure did fly when I was around Lisa.

We exited the school together after she made a pit stop at her locker.

"So what are you up to today ?" She says jolly.

"Well school was one thing I did but going home with my long lost sister is how my days will be going." I sounded really dull when I said this and she could tell.

"Not for long, give me your number and write you name."

She handed me her phone and I did what she asked and gave her her phone back. She looked at the phone and raised an eyebrow.

"Sativa? You do realize that is cannabis right ?" She informed me with half a smirk and an eyebrow still raised.

"I am aware." I said slightly aggrivated at her comment.


"That's my sister, see you around." I said while walking to the G-Wagon

"See yah" She said waving and smiling from ear to ear.


The car ride back to the house was just like an interview. Sammy just thought it would be lovely to keep asking about school. When we arrived at the house I was more than happy to jump out the car and start working on the little assignments some teachers gave, avoiding all conversation with this girl I was supposed to call my sister.

In the middle of working on my literature blog post that I was currently doing on my laptop, I got a message from Lisa

Lisa: Heyyyyyyyyyy

Seeing all those Y's made me think she was back to her freaky ways. Another message rolls in from Alison.

Ally : Answer your fucking skype please

Me : Bet.

The call comes in and I answer

"YURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" As you can tell that Damien's loud ass was in the group call.

"How are the people of Oregon treating you kid " KC says not paying any attention to the camera, just his PlayStation. He had what seemed to like headphones in his ears but it was connected to the game.

"Nothing is really out here" I said sadly " I met some girl, she seems cool and was kind of eyeing me."

"Eyeing as in, I don't like you ?" Alison said while writing in her pink binder while holding a pink pen with pink fur on the top,.

"No, eyeing me as in...I want you"

"OHHHHH SHITTTTTTT, You got a shawty, Damn, Now I know why you never let me tap...You was gay this whole time, You had me losing my confidence and shit." Damien says jolly.

" Ummm, I am not gay..not that I know of and I would never spread my legs for you, you dick."

"Here we go with the lies." He says under his breath 

"Your ass was fat in them sweats though..I am not even going to lie." Alison says still writing

"I wish I had a fat ass." Damien says not even look at the camera.




"Chilllllllllll.......You know what bye" Damien said while hanging up

"He is so embarrassed." KC said still looking at his game

"But anyways, I gave her my number and she texted me hey with multiple Y's."

"Oh she want a slice of that hazelnut cake."

"KC, stop." I said laughing.


Authors Note :


I was weak when I re-read this to be honest.

Can I get a friendship like this please..

Thanxx for reading.

Luna SativaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ