Calm Down

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I woke up Saturday morning refreshed. It seemed like this whole moving situation didn't really sink in cause I didn't know where I was.

I walked downstairs in my black basketball shorts and a white top. My hair was pulled up in a that I think about it, I would really be a nice ass dike but you could tell I'm still very much feminine.

"Morning sissy" Sammy says too excited..I swear she is planing to kill me when I'm at my worst.

"Hey, are you ever not happy ?" I said awkwardly

"Yeah, when I think about our dad."

'oh shit'

"I..I'M SO SOR-" I say worried now

"It's okay" She hands me a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and waffles. I knew she was crazy when I seen both pancakes and waffles on my plate.

 I take the food with no trouble, but you must be smoking dick if you think I'm gonna eat this shit.

"So let's talk school and rules" Clearing her throat she continued "Alright number one, no boys, two, don't stay out late, three Do not disrespect me in any way shape or form..Now school, I will drop you off and come for you after cause it's really nothing but woods over here and I can not afford for my little sister to go missing. I mean school it self is explanatory, nothing more."

While she was talking I couldn't help but wonder what Jay Park is doing at this moment.And singing the song Go Gina by SZA in my head.



So it my first day of school once again.

My outfit was simple, I had on ripped denim jeans, long sleeved mint green and white stripped shirt, and put on my white and black Adidas. My hair was in a bun and I wore my reading glasses. I grabbed my bag and met Sammy in the car. We pulled up to the school which was twice the size of my original. When I got out of the car I walked passed these kids who were sitting on top of their car listening to J Balvin.

Once I got my schedule from the main office I started looking for my classes early cause I am not trying to make a fool of myself, walking in late to that one class where the teacher plays no games.

The bell rang and I found myself in front of my class as I walk in, I didn't know if there were assigned seats, I was kind of hesitant to sit .

"It's okay, just sit in the front here" The teacher said realizing my hesitation, He had an English accent and a sexy ass smile. I knew I was gonna like this class. But then again I would never sit in front of my teachers, but this is all new to me so I guess I have no choice.

Lunch time rolls around and I find myself in a weird situation, so I take it upon myself to facetime KC.


"YOOOO, WHAT'S UP KID ?" He says smiling ear to ear

"Mr. Groove are you on the phone in the middle of a quiz?" I can hear the teacher ask and he just looks up at them with a 'so' looking expression.

And yes his name is KC Groove....

"Yeah, I mean who gives a quiz on the third day of school like you seem cool and all but I'm over you already dude." He says in the most chillest tone ever.

"I am a Mrs., Mr. Groove and I demand you to get off of your cellular device or I will send you to the principals office" She says aggravated.

"Miss, It's okay, just take a chill pill..I mean I can hook you up if you'd like" He says dead serious and I can't help but to laugh on the other end.

"Since you want to play..I'm calling the principal."

" I mean she sexy, I'm okay with seeing her"

"Shut up, sorry if I got you in trouble, never mind, I'll talk to you later" I had to say something or he would continue our conversion all the way to the principals office.

"K ladybug, talk to you later" He peace sign me and ended the call.

I scroll through Instagram as I sit at an empty table in the cafeteria for a while. I felt really odd and like two holes were being burned into the side of my face.

Looking at the time I got up to leave the cafe early and head to my next class which is gym, I don't have any gym clothes so I sat on the bleaches and chat with my gym teacher, Mr. Allen.

"Where are you from?" He asks.

Mr. Allen no lie is a very attractive black man.

"New York, let me guess you are from here ? "

"Nope, actually I am from Russia"

It was silent and all I can do is stare at him...I don't know if he is lying or not

"I know I don't seem like I could blend in but I am, I was born and raised there, my mom and dad moved there because of something, I guess a job he had and ever since then they settled, but they are from Jamaica.

"Cool" Was all I could say.

The bell rang and people start coming in and went straight to the locker room. Mr.Allen was yelling at the class telling them to hurry up as he got up from the bleachers and start looking at the attendance sheet. A girl sat next to me on the bleaches and I already knew she wanted to be friends but I am not really for meeting new people at the moment.

"Hey, I am Lisa" She said extending her hand. I feel as if I was pressured to shake her hand but It was whatever.

"Hey" I said shyly

"Your new, and you are also very pretty." she said biting her bottom lip.



Authors Note :

Ight so boom....LMFAOOOOOOO

I'm putting all these chapters up cause I don't want ya'll to lose interest cause I know the first chapter wasn't that interesting, but I am most likely am gonna stop posting when shit really starts popping off.


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