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I woke up with a dead leg. I realised Perrie was still sat on me, bless her. I noticed it was sunny outside and I looked over at the clock, it was 8:30. Breakfast closed in 35 minutes... great. I had to wake Perrie up, I was very hungry. "Perrie." I shook her gently. I realised her pull up was wet, I'm glad she put one one, even though she was embarrassed. "Perrie, you need to wake up love." I said and sat her up. "Jade no." She whispered and climbed off me and settled next to me. "5 minutes sweetheart, we need to go and get food before it closes." I kissed her head and went to get myself ready. "What do you mean closes?" She asked me and woke up more. "The food bar shuts at 9:05 every weekday, weekends it's 11." I said and pulled my pants up my legs. "Oh right, that's means I have to be with people." She whispered slightly and sat up. "Well yeah, it does." I said and went to sit next to her. "What if people talk to me?" She asked with tears already in her eyes. "I'll be with you the whole time, I promise, you'll be okay." I said and kissed her head. She shuffled onto my knee again. "You'll be fine." I said and rubbed her back. "Now as much as I love cuddling you, you need to get ready before they close. I'm starving and I'm not trecking to the store to get breakfast." I laughed she nodded. She went to get her clothes and walked to the bathroom to change.

Perrie was dressed in thigh high wool socks, a black skirt, a slightly oversized kitten jumper and buckled shoes....

Perrie was dressed in thigh high wool socks, a black skirt, a slightly oversized kitten jumper and buckled shoes

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She looked like a definite little and I felt my heart exploding. "You ready then?" I asked her as she played with her skirt. She looked at me. I held my hand out, she ran and latched onto it. "You'll be okay." I kissed her head quickly. I checked to see if I had my phone and dorm keys and then began out the door with Perrie still holding tightly onto my hand. "You look very cute by the way." I smiled, she blushed and hid her face behind her free hand. I laughed at her cute actions.

Thankfully, we arrived at the dinner hall just before it closed, they had pancakes and croissants left, along with all the cereal they usually have. They also had a wide variety of fruit and some yoghurt. "What do you want Pez?" I asked her, she was looking at it all biting her lip. I moved my finger to her chin and moved her lip from her teeth. "Don't do that baby, you'll hurt yourself." I whispered. I blushed at how protective I'm being. I know it's not my place but Perrie is just way too cute for me not to and with her beautiful long, blonde hair and blue eyes gleaming in the sun of the early morning, I just couldn't resist. "Can I have cereal?" She asked me. "Of course, what cereal do you want?" I asked her. I took down a bowl and I had to let go of her hand to make sure the pile didn't fall. She whimpered and shuffled closer to me. "It's okay." I said and rubbed her back. "Just corn flakes." She said nervously and looked around, the hall was pretty full but it wasn't at its full capacity so we were okay. She whimpered a little more and moved closer to me. "You're okay baby, I promise." I said and rubbed her back. I poured her cornflakes and added some milk. I put a spoon in it and handed them her. "T-thank you." She whispered out. "No problem love." I said and went to get myself a croissant and some butter. She followed closely behind.

We had found an empty table and we sat across from each other, we ate in silence. I had finished and I was waiting on Perrie when my friend Leigh-Anne joined us. "Hey Jade, Jades new roomie." She nodded and Perrie. Perrie waved very slightly, I couldn't help but feel a rush of pride engulf me. "What's your name?" Leigh smiled, I knew she was just being nice but Perrie was shy like an unhealthy shy. She looked at me nervously, I nodded. "P-p-Perrie." She chokes out and blushed a deep red at her hesitations. "That's a very pretty name." Leigh said. Perrie blushed even more, I could hear her feet shuffling on the floor and I smiled at her. "Heard about what Jake did to Jess?" Leigh turned her attention to me now. "Yeah, she came into our dorm screaming it, scared her half to death." I said and nodded at Perrie. Leigh made a 'bless' face and I smiled, Perrie was blushing again. I noticed she was no longer eating her food. "You finished sweetheart?" I asked her. She nodded and pushed her bowl away. "Good, we have our first lesson soon." I said and moved our dirty plate and bowl to the end of the table for the people to collect. "W-what?" She asked me nervously. "You are here to learn." Leigh said sarcastically. Perrie whimpered and cowered into herself. "Leigh," I scolded and went to sit next to Perrie. "Listen baby, I'll be with you the whole time. I won't let you out of my sight. Okay?" I asked her, she nodded and cuddled into me. I wrapped my arms around her and let her head rest on my boobs for a minute. "I'm going to go, see you two later." Leigh waves is goodbye and walked off.

"Wh-what lesson is it?" Perrie whispered. "Theory, don't worry. I'll be with you." I said and kissed her head gently. "Come on, we need to go and get my stuff then we can get going to class." I tapped her back gently and she sat up. I wonder how she'll cope...

Yay an update! Thank you for so many reads and votes already! I really appreciate it. X I hope you liked this chapter xx

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