Chapter 1

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2 years later, present day


"Today we bring you breaking news from New England 27 headquarters."

Lance ignored the TV, he didn't even want to look at it.

Today was so long and busy, that Lance almost had no time to go visit his friend Coran. In the mean time, he was making a pot of macaroni. Just plain noodles with nothing else. He just didn't want to use his money on food.

But, he did manage to get a decent job as a bounty hunter. Not for animals or criminals, but for supernatural creatures that might be lurking in the shadows.

Recently, a giant vampire attack had taken place in his home town. And there were so many, he couldn't even focus on killing one. So he had to retreat with no other choices. So the town had fallen and everyone there was turned into those blood thirsty monsters. They were moving to Rhode Island next, which was where he planned to go as well.

"Another massive ambush has been recorded in downtown Newport. The home was destroyed and no survivors were found in the wreckage."

Lance then let his eyes move to the TV, he only felt his eyes widen. On the screen, many dead body's were shown with gashes on their necks and wrists. Vampires again.. Lance thought with a growl as he continued to make his meal. Suddenly someone barged thru his front door and plopped down onto the couch.

It was his friend Allura. She always came in whenever she wanted. Lance didn't even care anyways.

"Hey." Lance said simply, not even caring to look up again.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you for a bit. It's about the vampire attacks." Allura said with a shrug.

Lance then felt his eyes lift up at the name of those creatures again. He hated them.

"What is it." Lance said as he walked over to the couch and sat beside his friend.

Allura was a nice and caring being, but she wasn't a human. She was a witch who used her magic for the good.

"Your Sister reported in that some vampires were in her area, and they were growing their numbers fast. They just keep attacking and the public has no idea. They just keep saying bear attacks or mountain lion attack. It's just not right." Allura said with a frown.

"Don't worry, I'm going to to fix this. We are going to fix this." Lance said as he looked beside him to Allura again.

"Ya, but what if we don't? Then what will happen?" Allura asked as she quivered a bit.

Lance then grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Allura securely. He knew she wasn't cold, but he just wanted her to feel safe.

"we will defeat them." Lance said with a stern look, almost scary.

Allura nodded and slowly stood to her feet, giving Lance the blanket in return.

"Ill see you tomorrow Lance." Allura said.

And with that, she left and didn't say another word.

"What am I gonna do with her.." Lance said to himself as he went back to cooking.

After ten more minutes or so, he had a pot of noodles and he inhaled them like air. He was starving and never even had a chance to eat today.

"Come on blue." Lance said as he picked up a grey tabby.

The cat had blue eyes and light grey fur. Her nose was bright pink and felt cold to the touch.

Blue then let out a meow as Lance took her into his room. He then set the cat onto his bed and headed to his closet. He quickly took his dirty shirt and pants off before throwing them into his over flowing laundry basket. He didn't even want to deal with that at the moment. He then stretched before plopping onto his bed and turning out he light.

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