Chapter 23

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Lance felt everything freeze. He went numb. He couldn't feel anything.

"K-Keith?" Lance managed to choke out as his bottom lip started to quiver.

There was no response. Keith was gone... and Lance felt as if it was his fault.

"THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" Lance screamed out after a short moment of silence.

"Lance.. none of this is your fault. If anything, it's Lotor's." Pidge said as she sat beside her friend.

Hunk nodded in agreement and scooted next to his friends.

"No, you don't understand! I love him! He's my everything! And his life got taken by a greedy SNAKE!" Lance screamed as he punched his fist into the black soil beside him.

Everyone standing there felt their muscles tense at those words. None of them knew that Lance felt this way for the vampire, except for Romelle.

"Lance, I know you love him. But you have to let him go." Romelle took a deep breathe as she carefully sat on Lance's shoulder, "everyone dies.."

Lance felt more anger rise up into his head, he did love Keith. And he wasn't just going to let this slip out of his grasp.

"But- he was so perfect." Lance said as he let out small sobs along with some tears.

Romelle frowned and hugged her friends neck tightly. She didn't like seeing Lance like this.. neither did she want Keith to have his life end here.

As Lance cried with Romelle hugging his neck, they noticed how much more they cared about Keith.

After some time, an idea sparked up inside of Lance's brain. Causing him to stop crying.

"I know what to do." Lance said as he stood from where he kneeled beside Keith.

"What are you going to do?" Hunk asked with a bit of worry and confusion.

"This dead witch lady, Hagar, must have more vampire cures with her. If I turn Keith to a human, maybe he'll heal since steel doesn't affect humans that severely." Lance said as he now stood over Hagar's dead body.

"What if it doesn't work?" Romelle asked from Lance's shoulder.

Lance then had his eyes wander down to the fairy.

"It will."

And with that, Lance knelt down onto his knee's and started to look thru the witches belongings. Romelle on the other hand was watching with a bit of hope. If this worked, then Keith and Lance could live a happy love life.

"Yes!" Lance yelled out as he held up two pouches of a vampire cure.

"Wait, why do you need two?" Pidge asked as she stood to her feet.

Lance smiled a bit with his remaining tears slipping away.

"Well, one for Keith. One for my sister, Jessica." Lance said as he thought of his little sister with a bigger smile.

Pidge smiled and gestured Lance to go to Keith. Lance nodded and went back to his true loves side. Once he sat down, he got one of the vampire cures out and slowly opened Keith's lips. Underneath, were sharp fangs that were going to see their last day.

"Don't worry Keith... this will work." Lance said as he poured all of the vampire cure into his friends mouth.

Once it made its way down the vampires throat, his friends cheek lost its wound and his skin slowly faded to a pale white. His ears slowly turned to human ears and his fangs disappeared. Keith's hair then turned to a dark black and his vampire birth marks disappeared, except for one. And that was on his right cheek.

Slowly and gradually, Keith's eyes opened. Revealing violet jewels that shined in the sunlight. His chest burst with movement as he gasped for air. The now human Keith then sat up and looked at his hands. They weren't purple anymore.

"Keith!" Lance yelled out with happiness as he hugged his friend.

"L-Lance.. you saved me..." Keith said with a smile as he responded with his own hug.

Romelle, Pidge, Hunk, and the surrounding werewolves cheered happily as the two friends now connected their lips in a kiss.

"Id do anything for you.." Lance said as the kiss ended.

Keith sniffed as he felt his emotions explode into different directions. Now, Keith's violet eyes stared into Lance's ocean blue ones.

"No more blood and tears.." Lance said as he stood to his feet and hugged Keith again.

Everyone then joined the hug with happy laughs and smiles.

Pidge was tucked under Lance's other arm while Hunk was wrapping his arm around Pidge and Lance. Romelle had landed on Lance's shoulder again and hugged his cheek tightly. Keith and Lance smiled even wider as all the werewolves ran to them and rubbed against their legs. They had remained in their wolf forms.

Beside everyone, was Shiro's dead body. Which was planned to be buried with honor and remembered as a father, and a friend.

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