Chapter 2

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"It won't leave me alone.." Coran said with a sharp breathe.

Lance frowned and took out a rag out before looking back to Coran.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it." Lance said with a smirk.

"Lance, this isn't the time for your jokes! I couldn't even take this thing out with my magic!" Coran exclaimed with a pout.

Lance shrugged and patted Corans shoulder as he headed towards the house behind them.

"Trust me, I won't fail you pal." Lance said with a genuine smile.

He then walked into the house without hesitation. All the lights were off and everything was a big mess. But Coran didn't make the mess, the prankster did.

"Alright, come out..." Lance said as he set down a small toy on the ground.

He quickly hid behind a curtain beside him and waited. There was a few shuffles and a few grunts. Then Lance heard the toy get moved.

"Fooled you!" Lance yelled out as he launched out from the curtain and pounced onto the creature.

Lance then stood to his feet while holding a small creature in his arms. It looked like an elf mixed with a diseased rat. It was ugly and had very sharp teeth. That was a prankster.

The creature let out a snarl as it tried to bite down onto Lance's arm. Lance scowled and took the rag out and forced it into the creatures mouth. Lance let out a wince as the prankster dug it's long claws into his skin.

"Just die!" Lance yelled out as he kept the rag on the creatures mouth.

After a couple minutes, the prankster went silent and it's body went limp in Lance's grip.

"Finally." Lance said as he put the small body into a bag and slung it over his shoulder.

Lance then checked around one last time before going back out to Coran.

"You did it! But how?" Coran asked as he let out a cringe from seeing the scratch marks on Lance's arms.

"All I did was a use a rag covered in a special fluid and made the creature inhale its fumes. Which caused it to die." Lance said with a slight chuckle of triumph.

Coran smiled and watched as Lance thru the giant bag into the back of his truck.

"Should we check the house for any pranks it may have left behind?" Coran asked with a shiver.

Lance shrugged after turning to Coran again.

"Yes, but if there are any, we have to be careful. Just a reminder, what we see might be dangerous. That's why it's a prank." Lance said with a nod to the building beside them.

Coran agreed and followed Lance inside the house. It was still pretty dark in there, but the morning light filtered into the house from the windows.

"Lets check upstairs first. It would be best if we stuck together." Lance said as he took out a small knife just in case.

Coran gulped and slowly went after Lance up the staircase. Upstairs, there were two bedrooms and a bathroom in the middle of both. Lance then lead Coran into the bedroom to their left. Inside there was a queen size bed with one nightstand. There were also many paintings and photos hanging from the wall. It was all of Corans family. He had loved them so much, until he lost them ten thousand years ago due to a civil war.

"Stay close, things could get messy." Lance said as he took some slow steps towards the bed first.

He was surprised when a small popping sound came from the covers. And with that, a black substance spread across the bed. Causing smoke to rise.

Coran then held his hand up towards the bed and gasped.

"That liquid is more than two hundred degrees!" He yelled out while combing back his orange hair with his other hand.

"Let's go to the other room." Lance said as he quickly dragged Coran away from the place they once stood.

As Lance dragged Coran across the hallway, something started to feel wrong.. it was too quiet...

"Lance, I think somethings wrong." Coran said with a frown.

Lance ignored him and entered the right bedroom before letting go of Coran.

"Check around here too, there could be something lying around anywhere." Lance said with a sigh.

He then checked the empty closet and under the twin size bed. There was nothing.

"Alright, it seems my work here is done." Lance said with another smile.

"Yes, thank you Lance. All I have to do is clean the mess and it's over. Phew..." Coran said with a relieved sigh.

"Is there anything else you need help with?" Lance asked before leaving.

"Well, Allura wanted to meet you at her place. She has some things she needs to discuss." Coran said sternly.

Lance nodded and patted Corans shoulder before walking out. As he headed across the hallway and down the stairs, Lance just felt a tight squeeze inside of his stomach. He was still a bit hungry, but that would have to wait since Allura needed to talk to him.

Lance then plopped down inside of his truck and headed towards the East side of town. That's where Allura lived.

Lance always liked going over, she had cool artifacts and magical things lying around. He could just stare at them for hours, but there was one thing that bothered him. There were these really small creatures called fairies that Allura kept around. Whenever Lance did come over, they would bother him non stop and almost make him want to squish them like bugs. But he doesn't and keeps his cool.

Lance then watched the trees pass by as his truck went faster.

"What a wonderful day it is." Someone said from beside Lance.

Lance screamed and swerved to the side of the road. He looked beside him to the passenger seat, to see Allura sitting there with a smile.

"You scared me! Don't do that ever again!" Lance said as he started to laugh.

"Well, you have to be ready for anything. Especially if you plan on fighting the vampires." Allura said with a smirk.

"When did I say I'd fight the vampires?" Lance asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Last week, and you did. You were destroyed though." Allura gave Lance the you cant lie look, "and i know your going to try again." She said crossing her arms.

Lance shrugged and felt his face fall into a frown.

"And I'm never going to stop trying to fight, they took my two closest friends." Lance said as he hated to look back on that day.

"I know, I didn't say you couldn't fight them. What I'm trying to say is, I want to help." Allura said as she patted Lance's shoulder.

He then looked back to Allura and smiled.

"Sounds like a plan." Lance then sat up straight again, "where do we find them first."

"Well, your sister sent me a message saying she was out on another werewolf mission last night in Montana and found a vampire nest. She says she is currently studying the scene closer." Allura said as she watched Lance slowly grow concerned.

"Did she get rid of the werewolf? Is she ok?" Lance asked as he felt his skin quiver.

"Well, she didn't get the werewolf, but she is ok. She said that her injuries from before didn't effect her much." Allura then felt herself sink in the car seat out of exhaustion, "she also said that she wants you to come up there as soon as possible."

Lance then felt his expression turn to a firm stern look

"I'll go, As long as she stays safe until I get there." Lance said as he bit his lip.

"Alright, then let's go." Allura said as she smiled again.

"Wait, we have to get plane tickets first. We can't just leave now-." Lance was stopped by a hand going over his mouth.

"Yes we can, don't forget that I have magic. I can get us there in seconds."

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