Chapter 6

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"Lance..." Jessica managed to talk a bit as pain continued to travel thru her body.

"Jessica... what is it?" Lance said with a few sniffs.

"I'll be ok... if I go savage. You'll promise to kill me right?" Jessica said with a slight smile.

"What? Jessica I'm never going to-"

"Lance, just do as I say. I'd just be another part of Lotor's army.. but only if I'm savage is when you'd have to kill me." Jessica said with a gulp.

"Well, Keith tells me you won't. And I trust him." Lance said with a smile towards Keith.

Keith felt his cheeks brush red as he smiled too. Lance was actually being nice to him...

"Are you ready?" Keith asked as he looked down to Jessica in his arms.

Jessica nodded before closing her eyes. Keith then took a deep breathe and bared his fangs while leaning down to Jessica's neck. He quickly bit down and a small scream came from the girl.

"There. She'll probably wake up within five minutes. It depends on the person." Keith said with a shrug as he set Jessica into the snow.

Lance nodded and looked to Keith again.

"Hey, thank you for helping.." Lance said with another smile.

"No problem..." Keith said with a grunt before turning away.

He could still feel his cheeks burning. What is wrong with me?! Keith screamed in his mind.

"You know, when I first met you. I thought you were bad. Since your a vampire and all.. but I was wrong. Your a great person." Lance said as he wrapped an arm around Keith.

Keith felt all of his muscle's tighten up at the touch. Keith didn't even know what to say. Lance was so warm.. and so kind...

"Lance, thank you, but-." Keith then stood to his feet before seeing Lance stand as well, "but I have to leave. Your not safe with me around and.. I'm a vampire. So I shouldn't even be talking to you." Keith said with a frown as he turned away and started to walk away.

Keith was stopped after a hand reached over and rested on his shoulder.

"Keith, your not dangerous, nor a blood sucker. Yes you may be a vampire, but it doesn't mean your evil." Lance said as he got Keith to face him.

"Lance.. your wrong. I'm a vampire, which means I'm bad." Keith then let his yellow eyes travel to the ground below him, "I've always hated humans. And I don't plan on changing that.." Keith said as he ran a hand thru his black hair.

Lance shrugged and frowned down to Keith.

"Keith, do you even know how big this is to me?" Keith raised his head with a questioning look, "I've never treated a vampire like this. Especially since two my my closest friends and some of my siblings were killed by your kind. If you think about it, this is an improvement for both of us." Lance said with a grin.

Keith gasped a bit. Lance was making a big step by doing this.. his friends and family were killed by Keith's people.. he should give this bounty hunter a chance.

"I'm sorry that happened to your folks.. but if we want to be a team. We have to set some boundaries." Keith said as he sat back down in the snow beside Jessica.

Lance followed and chuckled a bit.

"I'm guessing you want to do all the fighting and I stand aside." Lance said with a smirk.

Keith felt a blush appear again and he shook his head.

"No, Lance, you need to fight along beside me... but we both have to promise not to abandon each other." Keith said with a frown and played with the snow beside him.

Lance nodded and frowned a bit.

"I promise, but why do you bring that up? Why would we ever abandon each other? Especially in a war like this." Lance asked with a tilt of his head.

Keith sniffed as a tear went down his cheek. Lance gasped as the tear fell into the snow.

"Because, it's happened to me before." Keith felt more tears come as he hid his face from Lance, "my mother left me when I was just a baby. And I have no idea where she is now, or if she's even alive." Keith said with another sniff.

Lance bit his lip and set his hand onto Keith's leg. Keith looked up thru his tears to see Lance giving a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't do what your mother did. We need each other in this fight." Lance said as he took his hand away awkwardly.

Keith smiled a bit and looked to the vampire nest that wasn't too far away.

"We have to destroy that nest. Now." Keith said as he destined to change the subject.

"Alright, well what are we waiting for?" Lance asked as he stood to his feet and smiled brightly.

"Well, I'm waiting for my energy to get to a higher level so I can transform." Keith said as he stood too.

"Wait, What do you mean by transform?" Lance asked with sudden confusion.

Keith chuckled and patted Lance's shoulder.

"If you haven't seen the movies, which I doubt you haven't..." Keith laughed again, "vampires can turn into bats for self defense. We also have our fangs, but becoming a bat is more affective." Keith pointed out.

Lance nodded and looked down to Jessica before turning to Keith again.

"How long will it take for your energy? Because we can't leave her out here alone when she wakes up." Lance said with a frown.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. When she wakes up she won't really be able to move when she wakes up. Because she'll have her injuries healing." Keith said with a sigh, "and my energy level is almost to its max. I can just feel it in my veins." Keith said as he held his arms close to his chest.

"Ok, But What's our plan?" Lance asked as he looked to the vampire nest again.

"Ok, so I turn into a bat, we go down there and I get all the vampires into a corner. Then you come in and do your bounty hunter stuff." Keith said with a determined smile.

Lance nodded.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Are we starting now?" Lance asked as he gave another worried look to Jessica.

"Yes, now get out your weapons. It's gonna be a freak show." Keith said with a growl to the vampire nest.

Lance then took out a few guns with vampire killing bullets and also had a silver blade on his belt. He was ready.

"Alright lets go." Lance said as he nodded to Keith.

Keith nodded back and folded his arms in a weird way, causing a quick puff of smoke before it revealed a bat. It was completely black with red eyes and long fangs.

"Follow my lead." Keith said as he flapped over to the vampire nest and dived down into the hole.

"Uh, Keith, I can't get down there really." Lance said with a pout.

Keith scowled to himself before flying back up and grabbing Lance's collar. As a bat, Keith still had his normal size strength and could easily lift Lance. Keith then started to fly back down the hole with His claws hanging onto Lance's shirt collar.


"Shhh!" Keith hissed as he set Lance down and signaled him to hide.

Lance quickly hid behind a stone column and waited for another signal. Lance couldn't help but cringe as the wall beside him was covered in muck.

"Here we go..."

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