Chapter 15

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Keith slowly sat up as he looked around thru the darkness. He screamed when he saw Someone sitting across from him with glowing yellow eyes.

"You can't escape. So don't even try."

It was a woman, a female vampire... she had slight blue skin with her vampire birth marks on her cheeks. Her dark blue hair was styled in a nice comb over.

"W-who are you?" Keith asked as he looked around for Lance.

There was no sight of his bounty hunter friend..

"Who am I? I'm Acxa. One of Lotor's most trusted warriors." She answered.

"Your with Lotor?! Your never going to get away with your crimes!!" Keith yelled out as he tried to throw a punch at Acxa.

Acxa snarled and dodged it while kicking her foot into Keith's gut. Keith gagged and slammed into the wall. He felt a trickle of blood escape his mouth.

"I wouldn't do that.." Acxa stopped down onto a knee and gave a toothy smile, "if you want to explain your crimes. I would be glad."

Keith's eyes widened, he's the most wanted on Lotor's list. He couldn't escape this now.. he knew that.

"Well, What I've done is only a crime to you to others it's a miracle." Keith scowled.

"Well ya, but like you said, it's a crime to us." Acxa said with a chuckle.

As Keith ignored Acxa's rambling, he noticed they were in a cave, and the exit was around the corner since a source of light came from there.

"Now tell me, why do you trust that bounty hunter?" Acxa asked in disgust.

"That doesn't concern you." Keith said with a hard glare to the other vampire.

"Did you listen to me? I said, WHY DO YOU TRUST THAT HUMAN?!" Acxa screamed as she kicked Keith upside the chin.

Keith let out a scream of agony as the spike on her boot dug into his skin. Blood now dropped from his chin as he grunted in pain.

"We're working together to defeat Lotor." Keith coughed, "there, you happy?" He said as he stood to his feet.

Acxa rolled her eyes and grabbed Keith's neck. Keith gagged again and tried to tear away.

"Where are you keeping my friend!" Keith wheezed as he kept trying to escape.

"Oh, he's outside. Zethrid, Ezor, And Narti are having fun with him." Acxa said with a smirk.

Keith bared his fangs and bit down onto Acxa's arm.

"Agh!" She screamed out as she jumped away and scowled.

Keith then made a run for it, but Acxa grabbed his arm and swung him into the wall.

"You will never get the world to yourselves! It's a beautiful place that could go better without you!!" Keith screamed as he wiped blood from a gash on his cheek.

He then ran at Acxa and punched her in the nose, causing her to grunt. She hissed and bared her fangs as she bit down onto Keith's wrist too.

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