Chapter 19

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"Shiro! We have Keith's location, but you won't like it

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"Shiro! We have Keith's location, but you won't like it."

Shiro snapped his head to his arriving werewolf friend. He had an entire army of werewolves prepared for war. They were going to attack Lotor and kill him once and for all.

"Well, spill the beans.." Shiro said as he nervously rubbed his robotic arm.

The other surrounding werewolves turned their heads to the conversation. They wanted to find Keith too, and destroy Lotor just as much as Shiro did.

"Well, heh... he's in North Dakota. Where Lotor's tower has been spotted.." The werewolf said with a shiver.

Shiro growled deeply.

"Then we'll head out now! Everyone prepare yourselves! We're going to war.." Shiro said with a howl.

All the others howled as well. After their cheer, they ran out of the small meadow they had been hiding in. They were in Montana still, but they could easily get to Lotor's location in a few days.

As Shiro ran ahead of his pack, he frowned a bit at the sky as he saw snow clouds looming upon them.

"Adam.. I wish you were here to fight with us.." Shiro whispered as he looked back ahead.

They had already entered the trees, but now they were going to run along the front range of the Rocky Mountains.

"Shiro, What are we doing traveling along the Rocky Mountains? Isn't North Dakota East of here?" A werewolf asked as they ran close behind Shiro.

"Keith must have arrived at Lotor's tower only hours ago. So we want to create the element of surprise. We are going to arrive there in a couple of days, so they won't expect a thing." Shiro said with a grunt as he ran a bit faster at the thought of Lotor.

"A-Alright.." The werewolf behind him said as they kept running.


Shiro and his pack had been running for about eight hours now, and with them being werewolves, it was possible.

They had already left the front range and were now arriving at the border of Montana and North Dakota. They were getting close.

"Shiro, we need to stop for food. The children are falling behind." A werewolf said as they ran up beside the leader.

Shiro nodded and he slowed down to a slow walk. All the werewolves had fast breathing as they slowed down.

"Alright, hunting squad, go out and get as much food as you can. Patrolling squad, go and find some shelter. There's a storm coming." Shiro said as he looked up to the menacing clouds above.

All the werewolves nodded and went to work. While everyone did their part, Shiro couldn't help but feel worry build inside of his gut. What if they were too late... what if Keith has already been killed. No shiro, you can't think that way! Shiro said to himself.

"Shiro! We found shelter in those trees." A female werewolf said as she ran up to Shiro.

"Alright, get everyone over there quickly." Shiro said as he gestured to the shelter that was found.

The werewolf nodded and ran over to the remaining people who had not gone out to hunt. Shiro sighed a bit and followed everyone into the shelter. It was a small area covered by many trees.

"This is perfect. Alright, once the hunting squad gets back, we'll rest for the night." Shiro said as he looked up to the storm clouds again.

They were right above them now, ready to burst upon them.

"Shiro! They're back!"

Speak of the devil.

"Store the food in a safe place. We are resting for the night!" Shiro said to the arriving werewolves.

They had turned into their wolf forms and they each carried at least one or two meals. The wolves nodded and they set the food in a bush where it would be safe.

Everyone else then turned into their wolf forms as well and huddled to together for warmth. Shiro did as well, and he lied down in front of everyone, so he could protect them from the storm. Shiro was a black wolf that was bigger than the others. When he was a wolf, he was about the size of a car. So he could protect them from the storm pretty easily.

Keith... Lance... please don't leave us.

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