Chapter 7

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"Hey! Wake up bastards!!!" Keith yelled out as he continued to fly around in the air.

All the vampires that were once asleep, had awoken. They all hissed before jumping down to the ground and circled below Keith.

Keith made sure to stay out of their reach since they could reach their arms out and grab him. And they were too stupid to transform anyways...

As Lance stayed hidden, he heard all the Vampires groaning and screaming like zombies. He almost felt bad. They were once all innocent people, and they were killed by the forces of evil.

"Ya! Come at me!" Keith screamed as he lead all of the vampires into a corner.

Keith then let out a loud snarl, signaling Lance to come in. Lance then let out a battle cry before jumping out and shooting at all of the creatures. They all screamed again before falling to the ground as a bullet hit each one of them.

"Get em' Lance!" Keith yelled out as he continued to fly above the falling vampires.

One decided to jump up and reach out for Keith, but it got shot before it could grab him. Unfortunately, it managed to scratch Keith's small stomach. Keith let out a shriek as he accidentally slammed into the stone wall beside him from surprise.

"Keith!" Lance yelled out with worry as he shot down the last vampires that stood.

Keith let out a groan before turning back to normal and falling down to the ground. He landed in the crowd of dead vampires that lie motionless around him.

"Keith! Are you alright?" Lance exclaimed with worry again as he ran to the vampire.

"I-I'm Fine. Just got snagged." Keith said with a grunt as he sat up.

He then lifted his shirt from his stomach to see a large scratch mark all along his violet skin.

"How did it get so big?" Lance asked as he took out some medical supplies from his belt.

"Well, when being a bat, the wound is pretty large. So when I grow back to normal, the wound grows as well- Agh!" Keith snarled as he grabbed the wound in pain.

"Keith, you have to stay still so I can treat it." Lance said as he had rubbing alcohol in his hand.

Keith's eyes widened and he scrambled away before leaning up against the wall behind him. Keith then shook his head rapidly in fear. He didn't want that stuff touching him.

"If I don't treat it, then it'll get worse!" Lance yelled out as he scooted closer.

Keith then let out a deep growl and bared his fangs.

"Why do you even care about me?!" Lance gasped a bit at Keith's anger, "my race killed your friends and family, we destroying your home! Why are you even helping me?!" Keith screamed as he staggered to his feet.

Lance slowly stood with a frown.

"Because your not like them... your a kind man who doesn't have any intentions of hurting humans." Lance said with a deeper frown as he looked down to Keith.

"YOU DIDN'T HEAR ME EARLIER DID YOU?! I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T LIKE HUMANS!!" Keith screamed as he backed away from Lance again, "I'm only doing this so I can get rid of Lotor.. I'm not doing this to make friends."

Lance felt a few tears in his eyes. After all they just did.. Keith was going to do this now?

"Keith I-."

"NO LANCE! IM DONE HERE!" Keith yelled out again as he felt tears going down his face too.

"Keith, listen.. I ca-."

Lance was cut off again as Keith pushed him aside. The vampire then turned into a bat again and flew up thru the exit and disappeared.

As Keith flew up into the day light, he saw Jessica had gone. She must have been taken by a few other vampires while they were down there.. but he could care less.

Meanwhile, Lance was still down in the nest with tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"I have to go after him.. and I have to get Jessica.." Lance said with a scowl as he looked around for anything he could use.

He then let his eyes catch on a cluster of vines that led up to the exit. That was his ticket out of here. Lance quickly put his weapons away and started to climb.


Keith let out a few small sobs as he kept flying. He had been flying for a while thru the forest, trying to escape his anger. But it only brought sadness. As he had been flying, a pretty rough snow storm had managed to make its way into the forest and right upon Keith.

Keith felt his wound scream as the cold bit at it fiercely.

"AGH!" Keith screamed as he couldn't fly thru the wind and he fell into the snow below.

Keith only cried more as he didn't even care to turn back. He just wanted to remain a helpless creature and die alone. He didn't even want to live anymore, being this monster only meant that he brought pain to others. Nobody would care if he left, even Lance could care less..

As Keith kept doubting himself, he slowly fell unconscious and everything faded away.


Lance had managed to get out of the vampire nest and noticed that Jessica was gone. And a thick snow storm had made its away into the forest. Lance could only feel more worry grow within him. Keith... Jessica... he could only imagine them dying alone from either blood loss or the cold. He had to find them both and get them to a safe place.

Lance would have to find Keith first, as Keith might have an idea on where Jessica is.

"Keith!!! Keith where are you?!" Lance yelled out as he used his arm to block the snow from blowing into his eyes. He could feel the cold bite into his arms as he felt weaker and weaker as he went.

"Keith!! Please, I need you to come out!!!" Lance screamed as a powerful gust of wind almost knocked him to his knees.

As he kept searching, it got harder and harder to see as the snow was thick in the air. Lance could barely see five feet in front of him.

"Keith...!!!" Lance sobbed a bit as he fell to the ground.

He had no strength, nor sight to help him now. The cold had taken everything out of him. Lance then managed to lift his head, he could barely see now.

But.. something was in the snow not too far from him. It was a small animal that seemed injured. Lance then dragged himself across the snow over to it, What he found was horrifying. Keith was lying there, unconscious. He wasn't in his normal form though, he was still a bat and had frozen blood surrounding him. He must be freezing!

"K-k-k-Keith..."Lance could almost feel his throat freeze as the snow got even worse.

Lance then managed to get both of his hands on Keith as he moved him carefully. Lance then got Keith under his face and his arms went around him for protection. After Lance did that, he carefully lowered his head so Keith was no longer exposed to the cold.

"I-I'm-m-m s—s-s-sorry.." Lance shivered as he slowly fell into his own sleep.

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