Chapter 3

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The evening moon shined brightly down onto the small corn field that sat near the waters edge. The lake beside it was full of trash and didn't seem to be well taken care of.

Someone sat beside the water with a neutral look on their lips. He wasn't very secure at the moment. The man was surprised when his friend emerged from some bushes behind him.

"Shiro, What happened?" The man asked he stood to his feet to look at his friend.

Shiro was covered in hacks and slashes from a Hunter attack. Why was Shiro attacked? He wasn't human, he was a werewolf. A girl had attacked him, stating that he was a danger to the society. When all he actually wanted to do was bring peace between him and the humans. His friend, was also not human. His name was Keith, and he was a vampire. But he wasn't apart of those huge attacks. He actually was holding his own civil war against the other vampires.

"I was attacked by a bounty hunter, she thought I was a danger, but all I wanted was food.." Shiro said with a whine.

Keith frowned and rubbed the back of his neck out of confusion. Keith's Black hair was styled into a mullet with his yellow eyes shining thru his bangs. His violet skin also matched along with that and he had cat like ears.

"So, what did you do to get her attention anyways?" Keith asked as he moved his bangs from his eyes.

Shiro shrugged and rubbed his robotic arm.

"Well, I had already transformed and was searching thru some trash cans near an old house. And there was an older woman there that thought I was going to hurt her. So she called the bounty hunter and I almost got killed.." Shiro said with a frown down to his injuries.

"I will murder them..." Keith said with a snarl.

Keiths irises started to get smaller as he felt the savage blood run thru him.

"Hey, stay calm. Remember you don't want to become like the others." Shiro said as he referred to the Vampires that just wanted blood and nothing else, "I probably would have done the same thing if I was that woman."

"Your right.. I can't become like those other blood suckers. I have to keep myself together." Keith said as he rubbed his eyes.

Shiro smiled a bit and patted Keith's back.

"Come on, lets go get a drink." Shiro said as he lead Keith away from the lake.

"Alright, but we can't be too long. Lotor might find us if we stay out for too much time." Keith said as he lifted his hood up to cover his face and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

Shiro hummed in agreement as they headed into town. Keith still kept his face hidden, as not to bring attention to himself.

Lotor was the vampire prince, and hated Keith with all of his guts. Keith used to be loyal to him. Until he found out what they were actually up to.

Lotor was aiming for world domination and wanted to get rid of humanity first, even though Keith doesn't like humans, he wants to protect them so Lotor doesn't get what he wants.

Shiro and Keith then turned down an alleyway and went into a side door that lead into a dark room. Keith placed his hand onto the wall in front of him and it quickly disappeared, letting him and Shiro enter into a bar. It wasn't for humans, it was for monsters like Keith and Shiro. It's where they could get a decent drink without anyone calling bounty hunters or police.

"Greetings boys, what brings you here." Someone said.

Keith and Shiro turned to see one of their close allies sitting on a chair comfortably in the corner. Keith then went over to his friend while Shiro went to get drinks.

Before Keith sat down, he removed his hood and yawned.

"How have you been Kolivan?" Keith asked as he watched other people pass by.

Kolivan was a vampire like Keith, but he wasn't with Lotor. He was also apart of the civil war against the vampire prince.

"Things could be better, Lotor is moving fast along with his armies of blood suckers. He's already attacked most of the east. And recently some of my troops found a nest not too far from here." Kolivan said as he looked at Keith thru the dim light of the bar.

"Ya, Lotor just keeps tripping us left and right. What are we going to do now?" Keith asked as his yellow eyes looked down to the floor.

"We don't have any plans yet, but all we know is Lotor might attack here next." Kolivan said as he used a toothpick to remove something from behind his teeth.

Keith snarled a bit and bared his fangs.

"We have to fight back! We need to stop them before they even think about coming here!" Keith yelled out with anger.

"Keith, if we bring the battle first. That would put us in grave danger." Kolivan then let out a sigh and stood to his feet, "We have to lay low for a while." He said before walking away to the bar.

Keith then let out a scowl and crossed his arms into a pout.

"How's Kolivan?" Shiro asked as he emerged from the crowd behind him and sat down beside Keith in the chair Kolivan once occupied.

"He said it could be going better, he thinks that Lotor might attack here next." Keith said with a growl again.

Shiro frowned and handed Keith a small glass of vodka.

"I mean, it's probably true." Shiro said as he drank from his own cup and set it down on the table beside him.

Keith facepalmed after punching his fist into the chair arm.

"That's why we have to fight!" Keith yelled out.

Shiro shook his head while taking another sip from his drink.

"No, that's not how things work here Keith. We have to stay out of sight until it's completely necessary-."

"We can't just stay hiding away! We have to come out and show that we care!" Keith screamed before taking a deep breathe.

Nobody seemed to notice his outburst so he continued to talk.

"We can't just step aside and let the humans handle it. Their pathetic.." Keith shrugged.

Shiro sighed and leaned back in his seat.

"Keith, humans obviously can't handle this on their own, but we can't risk revealing ourselves yet." Shiro said as he bit his lip.

Keith stayed silent while trying to keep his anger from exploding again. He then watched as two fairies passed by giggling with each other.

"I guess you have a point..."

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