Chapter 18

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"Uh-." Keith froze when he saw two figures approaching.

Lance and Keith had managed to fend off all of the vampires that were on the outside. Now they needed to see who those other two were...

"I'll take care of them.." Keith said as he hissed.

Lance looked towards the approaching figures and gasped. It was Pidge and Hunk.. they looked terrible.. their skin was tinted purple with scratches and hacks all over their bodies and Their clothes were torn apart and had stains all over them.

His friends looked like they came out of a barn yard...

"Keith, no.." Lance said as he held his friend back.

"But- they could attack at any minute!" Keith yelled out as he grabbed Lance's arm and forced him to back away.

"Keith! Those are my friends!!" Lance yelled as he stormed towards the other vampires.

Keith frowned. This was it... Lance was going to forget about him now that his other friends showed up. Keith just knew it was going to happen, that's what always happened to him.

Lance on the other hand was still walking towards his friends that were soon to be revived.

"Romelle, are you awake?" Lance whispered as he opened the pouch on his belt.

"It's hard not to be, why?" Romelle whispered back as she poked her head out cautiously.

"Give me the cure, quick." Lance said as he held out his hand.

Romelle nodded and snapped her fingers, causing a pouch that was about the size of a fist to appear in Lance's hand.

"Thanks, now lay low.." Lance said as he closed the pouch containing Romelle.

Lance then slipped the cure into the pocket of his vest and he stopped walking once he was about ten feet away from Pidge and Hunk. The vampires did the same as they snarled at Lance aggressively.

"Pidge, Hunk, I know your in there somewhere. Please.. I miss both of you. I really do." Lance said with a sniff as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.

His old friends didn't say a word as they stepped closer. Lance shivered when he saw the scars from their bite wounds. He could remember that day as clear as glass.

"I'm sorry, but this might hurt a bit..." Lance said as he quickly punched Hunk and Pidge.

Pidge squealed and fell over unconscious. Hunk though managed to take the blow and pounced at Lance.

"Hunk! Please!" Lance screamed as he managed to grab Hunks torn shirt and pin him down.

He then punched him as hard as he could, causing his friend to go limp.

"Alright, Hold on your going to be ok I promise.." Lance said as he took out the cure from his pocket.

He quickly poured a half into each of his friends mouth's. They both seemed to twitch in their sleep as the cure did its work.

Keith had been watching the whole time, he almost came to tears. He knew Lance would forget about him, but something caused him to freeze and forget about that nonsense. Lotor had appeared behind Lance before grabbing his arm and throwing him to the ground hard. He heard Lance scream before being smacked.

"Lance!" Keith exclaimed with worry as he ran towards the scene.

"Keith!" Lance screamed as Lotor held him by his collar now.

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