Chapter 22

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Keith turned when he heard a cackle come from Hagar. He gasped and tears started to fall from his eyes. He could see Shiro's dead body lying there in front of her.

"No..!" Keith screamed as he ran towards the scene.

Lance heard the vampire yell and he turned to see Keith running towards Hagar. Lance then noticed Shiro's dead body and gasped. Oh no... he gulped.

Him, Keith, and the other werewolves had already destroyed the army of ghouls and Vampires. But Hagar was the only one left. Lance then turned to where he had saw Pidge and Hunk lying safely away from the battle, but they were gone.

"Keith!!" Lance yelled out as he ran after his friend.

Once Lance reached Keith's side, he gasped at the blood that surrounded Shiro. He already knew the werewolf was dead, but up close it was even worse.

"Well, Well, Well.. it seems the two hero's couldn't save everyone after all." Hagar said with a toothy grin from her blood covered face.

"We didn't say we could save everyone! But Shiro is a different story!" Keith screamed as he ran at Hagar, but he only fell from his growing wound on his cheek.

Hagar then summoned some type of scythe and lifted it above both Keith and Lance.

"Say goodbye peasants." The witch sad as she was about to swing.

But something stopped her. A blade had gone thru her chest, causing her to look down to the blood that ran from the wound. She then let out a blood curdling scream before falling to the ground limp. Behind her, was Pidge with the blood covered blade in her grasp.

"P-Pidge?" Lance asked with a surprised smile.

Romelle poked her head out of his pocket again and gasped at the sight of Pidge, alive.

"Lance!" Pidge yelled out as she hugged the bounty hunter tightly.

Lance felt tears of happiness slip from his eyes. He held the small girl close to him with happy sobs.

"Y-your alive.." Lance said as he pulled away with a smile.

"Yup, but don't forget about that guy over there." Pidge said with a slight roll of her eyes.

She pointed her thumb over to her right. Lance followed where she was pointing until he saw Hunk curled up in a ball, he was still scared.

"Hunk, my dude!" Lance yelled out as he waved his hands in the air.

Hunk lifted his head to see his two friends sitting there waiting for him.

"Lance!" Hunk screamed as he ran to his friends and hugged both of them, "it was so scary, I thought you would never come."

Lance chuckled and squeezed both of his friends before letting go.

"Well I did and my friend Keith helped me. He did most of the awesome stuff." Lance said as he looked over to the vampire, but he frowned at the sight.

Keith was crying over Shiro's body with so many tears, Lance swore the place could flood. Romelle then flew out of Lance's pocket and over to the vampire.

"Keith? Are you ok?" Romelle asked as she landed on the vampires shoulder.

Keith then looked over to her, only to reveal his yellow puffy eyes and his wound that was still getting worse. The other werewolves had also arrived, they were still in their wolf forms with tears running from their eyes.

"No, I can't.. I can't take it." Keith said before filling his mouth with small sobs, "Shiro was the closest father I ever had. Well one of the only.."

Romelle frowned and looked over to Lance. Lance frowned too and walked over to his friend.

"Keith, it'll be alright. We can bury him with the others that have fallen." Lance said with a frown to the other fallen bodies that were spread across the battle field.

"Lotor needs to pay!" Pidge said as she stood up with anger.

"Pidge, he's already dead. Karma already got him." Lance said with a frown.

Pidge let go of her anger and slowly sat down next to Hunk again.

"Agh-!" Keith yelped as the wound started to take away his light.

"Keith, what's wrong? Is it the wound?" Keith nodded to Lance before falling onto his back, "Romelle can you do anything?!" Lance yelled out with fear and sadness.

"I can try to heal it, but the power of silver is very strong." Romelle said as she flew over to Keith's cheek and she set her hand onto the wound.

Keith winced a bit at the touch, but he kept still. Romelle then closed her eyes and said a few words under her breath, causing the area she touched to glow. She then used all of the energy and power she had in her to try and heal Keith, but the wound was too big for her to handle and she was blown back with a loud crack.

"I'm sorry.. it's too strong." Romelle said with some tears.

Lance frowned and pulled Keith into his arms. He then hugged the vampire close to his chest as his own tears streamed from his eyes.

"Keith... stay with us please..." Lance then lifted Keith away, "we don't want you to go."

Keith gave a small smile before having a coughing fit.

"Don't worry Lance... I'll always be with you." Keith said as his breathing started to get uneven.

Keith's eyes then glazed over and his breathing completely stopped.

He died, right in his true loves arms.

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