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Thank you so much to those who read this! It supports both me and my stories. I also want to say that this took way longer than I thought to write, but it was worth it! Now I have my first completed Klance story! I'll probably do way more stories with this ship.


Thank you so much to DreamWorks and The Voltron creators! This fandom wouldn't be real without them! Even though they have made a few mistakes to piss off the fandom, I would like to say they are special and amazing!

I would also like to thank Wattpad for letting us post these stories and bring them to life! I love Wattpad so much and will probably use it till the day I die.

Now lastly, I would like to give thanks to my friends and family. They support me in every way and give me positivity when needed. They also introduce me to these fandoms and show me many amazing things! My friends and family inspire so much to do what I do and I would to give a big thank you to them! And a hug :3

Now, thank you for reading this story and have a great day/night!

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