Chapter 16: Just Like Old Times

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(A/N) I have no fucking clue when they moved into the smosh house, so bear with me here.


It's that time of year again. It's our three year anniversary. I can't believe it's been fricking three years! God, I love him so much though. He's always been there for me, so today is a huge day for the both of us. Sure, we never really celebrated Valentine's Day because it never really did feel special for the both of us, same with prom (we never really did end up going to just seemed kind of weird)....but today is different from those. It's our anniversary. No one else's. It's ten times more special than any other holiday or party. Right now, both of us are laying in bed. Of course, Anthony's still sleeping. Like always. But, I'm getting kinda bored, just laying here. Maybe I can wake Anthony up...I press my lips against his and wrap my arms around him. Maybe that'll work. Anthony's eyes open slowly. "Mm. Good morning babe," He mumbles against my lips. "Good morning," I smile, pulling away. "How did you sleep?" Anthony asks, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face. "Good, thanks. How about you?" I ask. "I slept well," Anthony answers. "You know what day it is right?" Anthony asks. "How could I forget?" I grin, before Anthony kisses my cheek. "Let's go do something to celebrate, kay?" Anthony says. "Okay!" I happily respond.


We both get out of bed. We're just really comfortable with each other so we don't really care about changing into clothes in front of each other. I throw on a Legend of Zelda t-shirt and some black jeans. Ian gets on some clothes as well. "So...breakfast?" "Breakfast," I agree. "Do you wanna go out for breakfast or do you want me to make breakfast?" He asks, walking out of the room. I follow him. "Can you make breakfast? Please?" I ask, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Ian looks over at me. "Sure," He smiles.


For breakfast, Ian made french toast (which was delicious as always). "Ian, put on your shoes, we're going somewhere," I say before kissing his forehead. "Okay," A smile spreads across Ian's face. We both put on a pair of shoes and get into the car.


"Are we downtown?" Ian asks. "Nooo, we're actually in Paris," I reply, sarcastically, smiling. Ian rolls his eyes playfully and gets out of the car. I get out of the car as well. "Just like old days," I say, closing the car door. 



Today was extremely fun. We just fooled around downtown, remembering old times. We got hot chocolate and sandwiches, just like that day. It's been an amazing day. It doesn't sound like much, but it was a lot of fun. "Ian, there's one last thing that we need to do before we go home," Anthony tells me. "And that would be?" "Will you ever understand the concept of surprises?" He jokes. "Never," I wink, before kissing his cheek. "C'mon, let's go," Anthony smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him. After a few minutes or so, he says "We're almost there." I look around the area...wait, I think I know where we're going! I think we're heading towards the tree! I should know this way better than anyone. Anthony starts heading towards the forest and takes a left. He should be taking a right. "Anthony, babe, you're going the wrong way," I laugh a little bit. "Shit..." Anthony mumbles while I'm still smiling. "Wait, I'm guessing you know where we're going then." "Yup! It's this way by the way," I start pulling him the right way. Anthony cracks a smile and walks adjacent to me. After a minute or so, we're there. The tree. My, fuck that....our tree.  "Ian, I have an idea," Anthony says, reaching for his pocket. He pulls out a pocket knife and aims it towards the tree. "Do you mind?" He asks. "Not at all, go ahead," I smile at him. Anthony carves into the tree: "I + A" with a heart around it. "You cute cheesy goofball," I say, after he finishes carving it into the tree. It's true though. Anthony smiles at me before climbing up the tree and sitting on the branch. I join him shortly after. After a somewhat long silence, Anthony breaks it "Three years..." "Yeah." "Crazy right?" He asks. I nod in agreement. "It's been such a long time since I've been to this tree....which is kind of funny...because I use to always come to this tree." "Why's that?" Anthony asks, curiously. "This is gonna sound kind of stupid...." I laugh somewhat nervously. "But ever since I was younger, I use to always come to this tree and tell it about my problems....." "It's not stupid at all," Anthony tells me, putting an arm around my shoulders. I half smile at him before leaning in to him. Anthony looks down at me. I look up at him, to see him still smiling. "Whatcha smiling at?" I ask. "You," He tells me. "Aww," I respond, leaning in. Anthony presses his lips against mine. Not too long after, we were kissing passionately. We both pull away when we have run out of air. "I love you so much," A smile spreads across my face as I say that sentence. "I love you even more."


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