Chapter 21: You're Mine and No One Else's

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(A/N) By the way, I would like to thank jax_3101 because she gave me the idea for this fluffy chapter :3



Thank god we got that behind us. Today, Anthony and I are going to the grocery store because there is little to no food in the kitchen. So, we are in my car, I'm driving while Anthony is typing our grocery list that we are making up as we go along. " we have any milk at home?" I ask. "No I don't think so..." Anthony replies, typing a little bit more. I pull into a parking space in the parking lot just outside the grocery store. "Is that all?" Anthony asks me, getting out of the car. "I think it is," I respond, getting out of the car as well. We walk into the store together. I grab a shopping cart and Anthony does as well. "Why are you grabbing a cart too?" I ask. "We can get done in half of the time! I can send you one half of the list and I'll have the other half. Then we meet at the registers." What he's saying does make a lot of sense. Besides, we both do hate grocery shopping. He always has clever ideas like this. "Alright!" I smile. Anthony sends me half of the list through text. "See you in a little bit," he kisses my cheek and then wanders off into the store.


"Hello there," A somewhat deep voice says behind me. I turn around to see a store clerk, dark black hair and blue eyes kinda like mine. "I'm Matthew..but you can call me Matt. Do you need any help finding anything?" He asks, smiling. "Thanks for the offer, but no," I smile at him. "So...are you here all by yourself?" Matt questions me. "No...well...kind of. My boyfriend is somewhere around the store." "So he left you all alone?" "Well we both hate grocery shopping so..."


"I can try and fix that," Matt winks at him but Ian doesn't notice because he's too busy looking for the right type of bread. Since Ian is completely oblivious, he has no fucking clue that Matt is flirting with him. "How?" Ian asks, curiously. "Well. I could take my break right now and help you with your personal shopping." Ian finds the right bread and puts it in the cart. "I mean...if you really want can," Ian looks over at him and smiles. So that's what they did. Matt asked Ian a bit about be honest, they did have some of the same interests. They wandered off, shopping together. Laughing and talking. They continued doing this until they had everything on the shopping list. Ian and Matt walk to the register where Anthony is waiting. He smiles at Ian and then his expression changes when he looks over at Matt. "Who's that?" Anthony asks him. "Oh him? That's Matt. He's really nice! He helped me find everything," Ian beams. "Oh did he..." Anthony mumbles. If Ian wasn't oblivious, he would have realized by now that Anthony is jealous. "And Matt..." Ian turns towards Matt. "This is Anthony. He's my boyfriend that I mentioned earlier," Ian explains to him. 


"So about I get your number?" Matt asks Ian. Fuck no. "How about you buzz off..." I mumble to Matt, so quietly that Ian can't hear. Matt rolls his eyes and Ian smiles at both of us, completely ignorant to what we were talking about. "Okay," Ian tells him as Matt hands him his phone. Ian enters his number in Matt's phone and I use that time to narrow my eyes at him. "Whatever," Matt lip syncs. I sigh and Ian gives Matt's phone back to him. "Bye! Hope to see you soon!" "Hope to see you never," I reply.


"What was that about?" Ian asks, referring to earlier. "C'mon. Wouldn't you say that same thing if he was flirting with me?" I respond. "He so wasn't. We just met!" "He was so hitting on you!" "Anthony?" "What?" I reply. "Are you....jealous?" Ian asks me. I don't reply. Well hell yes I'm jealous! Ian's face lights up as he continues to drive. "You are! Aren't you!" "....maybe...." I answer. "D'awwh. You're cute." "Not as cute as you though. That's why Matt was flirting with you." "You dummy. He's just friendly that's all." "But I you are mine and no one else's. You know that." "Of course I do. I remember when you tickled me until I believed it," Ian laughs a little bit. I made you say that because it's true. You're mine and no one else's.

(A/N) Ugh. I feel like shit. I'm sick ;-; Anyways...I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you didn't I guess.

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