Chapter 31: You Dummy

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"What do you mean by jealous?" Ian asks. There's no going back now I guess..."What I mean is....I'm jealous know..." "Me spending so much time with Matt?" He asks, cringing at the name "Matt". " a way.." "If you wanted to hang out more you could've told me." "That's not what I'm trying to say," I say, getting very annoyed. "What are you trying to say then?" Ian asks, obviously not getting the hint. Then, I just can't take it anymore. "Don't you get it, Ian!?! I still fucking love you!" I exclaim. Ian's eyes widen and he's completely speechless. I guess it's time to confess. "Over these almost two years I've tried dating men, I've tried dates with women, dates with men, dates with people where I can't tell their gender," I chuckle a little bit."I've even tried just trying to accept the fact that I'll be alone. It's been two years...and I'm still not over you." Ian's still speechless. A minute passes. "Can't you just fucking say something?!?" I yell. Ian shudders a bit. I forgot that he hates when I yell....I take a deep breath. "Listen...I'm sorry for raising my voice and all...but....well....I'm just angry with myself and I know that you won't ever feel the sa-" Ian cuts me off by doing something unthinkable. He cups my cheek and then kisses me, closing his eyes. I....I don't know what to think.


He seriously thought I didn't love him? I still love him, I've always loved him. Anthony kisses me back, closing his eyes as well and I pull him closer. I pull away when I need to catch my breath. "Don't you dare think for one second that I don't love you," I say. "Ian....why didn't you ever say anything?" Anthony asks. "The same reason you never said anything," I answer. Anthony puts a soft smile on his face before pulling me into a tight hug. " have no idea how terrible those two years were...." Anthony starts speaking. Terrible for him? "I couldn't stand to see you with Matt..." He explains. "Really?" I ask, disbelievingly. Anthony nods. "I love you so goddamn much," I say. Anthony pulls away a bit just so he can kiss me again. "I love you too," He mumbles against my lips. We both close our eyes and enjoy the moment of pure bliss. I open my eyes as we pull away. Anthony's eyes fill with tears as a smile is still spread across his face. "Why are you crying?" I ask, curiously, wiping them away gingerly. "Because....we're finally together again," he lets out a small chuckle. "God I'm such a pansy..." "No you're not," I argue, still wiping away the tears. It's not tears of sadness, it's tears of joy. 


Ian was just so fucking happy, that he almost completely forgot about when Matt raped him and beat him.


If I wasn't such a stuck up snob...Ian would've never gotten together with Matt...and I could've saved him. God, I'm such a douche. "Anthony? You're spacing out on me," Ian snaps me out of my thoughts. "Ian...I...I'm sorry," I pull him into another tight hug. "No...don't be...whatever you're saying sorry for...don't be. I couldn't be happier right now." "Ian...." I start "I've been thinking...and I really am sorry for what I said. I was just know? But it doesn't matter anymore. We can tell them when you're ready....if you still want together....if you want...." Ian just laughs a little bit. "What kind of question is that? Of course I want to be together again." 


So after that, they just kissed over and over and over again. Not gonna lie...both of them enjoyed it a lot. Especially Anthony, now that Ian was out of his five day state of shock. Ian, just pushed all of the thoughts from five days ago, behind him, knowing it was over now. After kissing, they just kind of cuddled into each other without saying another word. Anthony's laying down on the couch, on his back, while Ian is on top of him, his head in his chest. Anthony is playing with Ian's hair, just like old times while Ian is relaxing, comfortably. It's been a while since he's been able to be comfortable. "I've missed this..." Ian admits. "Same with me," Anthony replies, a smile inching up his face. "So does that mean you like like me?" Ian jokes, saying it childishly. I laugh a little bit before saying "I love love you, you dummy."

(A/N) Yay! They don't have to go through shit in this chapter! They can be happy....FOR NOW. (Warning: They still have to go through a lot of shit. sorry guys but it's true)

What I wanted to call the chapter: BRACE YOURSELF, FLUFFINESS IS COMING.

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