Chapter 22: One Hell of A Night

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(A/N) Read this slow...blah blah affect blah blah blah



I know it shouldn't be bothering me...but it is. We still haven't told the smoshers yet and Ian still isn't ready to tell them...wait..maybe he doesn't want to tell them because he doesn't want people knowing that of all people I'm his boyfriend. Am I just not good enough to show off or something like that? Goddammit...I need to talk to Ian about this. Right now, we're watching some Netflix on our couch. Ian's head is on my shoulder and my arm is around his waist.  It's pretty late, we're really tired but not tired enough to go to bed. "Ian?" "Hm?" Ian looks up at me. "I was thinking and....I think we should really tell the know. Us." "Anthony...we already talked about this. You know I'm not ready..." "But why not?" "I mean...what if we lose subscribers? We could lose our jobs." "Ian you've used that excuse one too many times now." "What do you mean?" Ian asks me, taking his head off my shoulder. "I just can't shake the feeling that you don't want anyone to know you're my boyfriend." "C'mon babe. It's not like that." "Then what is it then?" I ask, raising my voice a little and taking my arm off of his waist.


"Can't you just understand that I'm not ready to tell them yet?" Ian asks, raising his voice and standing up. "No I can't! It's almost like you're ashamed to be my boyfriend!" Anthony yells, standing up as well. "You know I hate it when you yell!" Ian yells back, slightly annoyed now. "Well get over it! 'Cause now you're yelling too! Now tell me, do I fucking mean anything to you?!?" Anthony almost screams this at Ian. Anthony is obviously more pissed off than Ian is. "Of course you do! I'm just not ready to tell them yet! If you loved me then you would understand!" Ian yells. Without thinking, Anthony yells something he never meant "Well I guess I don't love you then!" Ian's eyes fill with tears. Anthony's stern face turns into an apologetic one. He puts a hand on Ian's shoulder. "Ian I didn't mean i-" Anthony tries to apologize but gets cut off. "Then why did you say it?!?" Ian slaps away Anthony's hand. "You know what? If you don't even love me then why are we together? We're through!" Ian has tears streaming down his face at this point. "Just let me fucking speak!" "No. Because guess what, fuck this and fuck you," Ian says before walking into the guest (well, kind of his now) room and slamming the door behind him. Even though it started out as a small quickly escalated. 


"Fine...fine! Fuck you too!" Anthony yells back at me. I....I can't believe I spent three years of my life with that...that...douche bag! But I still love him....which is the worst part. I flip down on my bed. He obviously doesn't love me.... I just was trying to tell him that there are a lot of homophobes out there! Because of it....I found out the truth. The cold hard truth. My tears fall onto the pillow and soak it. 


I can't believe I just fucking said those things....but I can't believe what Ian said either. I tried to apologize! I know I fucked up...I mean, I love him! But, that doesn't mean he can treat me like that! Can it? Goddammit. I'm so confused. "Fuck...." I mumble to myself before changing into sweatpants. I lay down on my bed. What's that sound? Is it Ian? I put my ear up against the wall. I was right. It is Ian. I hear somewhat quiet sobs coming from his room. God, now I feel guilty...but I can't just apologize. Not after what he said. That being said, it doesn't mean that I can forgive myself though....I guess I was pretty harsh...but he deserved it! I'm confusing myself so much right now, I should just go to bed. It's been one hell of a night. I fall asleep listening to the soft sobs from the other side of the wall.

(A/N) I have a question for you guys....who do you think is right? Which side are you on? Ian or Anthony? Or do you think both of them are being ridiculous? I personally think Anthony needs to calm the fuck down and that Ian shouldn't worry so much. But that's just my opinion. So how's the story so far? I'm curious....


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