Chapter 19: Shaun's Party

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Anthony's such an understanding boyfriend...


"IAN!" I hear Anthony yell from the bathroom. "What is it?" I start running to the bathroom. It sounded urgent! What happened? Is he hurt? God I hope not. I get to the bathroom and open the door as quick as I can. Anthony's standing on the toilet seat. "I was about to take a shower and....There's a spider...can you get it?" He asks, pointing at a tiny little spider in the corner of the shower. I let out a sigh of relief. "Goddammit Anthony. I thought you were hurt!" "Sorry..." He apologizes. Oh right...he's terrified of spiders. I forgot! "It's fine," I smile at him, pulling out a tissue from the tissue box. I put the spider on the tissue and started to walk out of the room when Anthony stopped me. "No, no, no..kill it..." Anthony tells me. I sigh inside of my head. Even though it's just a little spider, he's incredibly cute when he's scared. I squish the spider in the tissue. "Thanks," Anthony says, putting his feet back on the ground. "You're welcome," A smile inches it's way up my face as I throw away the tissue. "Hey Ian. Since you're in here, I need to ask you something. You remember Shaun right?" Anthony asks me. "We haven't talked to him in forever! But yeah. I remember him," I answer, truthfully. "Well he's having a party tonight and he invited the both of us....wanna go?" "Sure!" I reply, without thinking. "Okay! I'll tell him after I take a shower." "Kay, see ya."



Worst. Idea. Ever. What was I thinking? Well that's just it. I wasn't thinking. I'm an adult now (well...kind of.) and I didn't think clearly. When I thought of party, I thought of fun! Dancing! Meeting up with old friends! But no. Parties are about getting drunk off your ass whilst trying to do the things that I just said. Now (drunk) Anthony  is dancing on top of a table, a (hella drunk) Shaun is trying to grind on people, Ras (not completely sure if he's drunk) is having sex in the other room, a (tipsy) Brian  is trying to do the craziest dares that everyone is telling him to do, and I'm trying to keep them all under control.


"Hey Ian and Anthony!" Shaun greets us, opening the front door. Wow he looks different! Like...a good different! He's not wearing his glasses anymore and his hair is syled up in a quiff. He definetly looks better looking than a couple years ago. "Hi Shaun!" I smile at him. He steps aside so we can walk in. Anthony and I walk in together, hand in hand as usual. "You two still together, eh?" He asks, closing the door behind us. "Yup!" Anthony beams, tightening his grip a little on my hand. "How many years now? Four?" Shaun asks. "Almost," I reply. "What about you? Anyone special in your life?" Anthony asks


When I first got here...I thought it would be fun. It was fun. Since we were the first people there Shaun, Anthony and I just caught up on each other's lives. That was until the actual party started. More people came, the music became louder, and that's when alcohol came in. Loads of it. Anyone who knows about my past knows I hate alcohol because my parents are (or were...I'm not sure because I haven't really spoken to them) alcoholics. I've never even had a sip of alcohol due to this. I thought Anthony would understand....


I'm getting kind of...uncomfortable. Of course, my thumbs are doing the thing. Like always. Anthony's getting kinda tipsy...I should tell him to stop before it goes too far. I get off of the couch that I've been sitting on for a while and walk over to Anthony who's about to take a shot. Anthony takes the shot before looking over at me and saying "Hey baaaaaaaaabe!" He says, lingering with the "a". "Umm hi....Anthony?" "Yes?" "" "Spit it out, I don't have all day." "'re kind of should probably stop drinking," I tell him, taking the shot glass from his hand. "I haven't had that much! Don't be a buzzkill...." He says, taking the shot glass back. "I really think you should stop. I'm kind of uncomfortable Anthony." "You'll be fineee," Anthony responds before pouring another shot. "Anthony...please...I'm begging you..." "It's fine. LIke I said! I didn't even have that much!"


After that, I didn't bother trying to take away the alcohol from him. I was hoping he would stop himself. But no. He didn't. I sure hope I did though. Now, he's dancing on a table and I'm extremely pissed at him. Other people I don't even know have tried telling him to stop. But he won't. I've still kept an eye on Anthony though. THUD. I hear. Wait...what was that thud? I look over at where Anthony I push my way through the crowd to see Anthony passed out on the table. Great. Just fucking great! 

(A/N) Hey magic mummies! Has anyone else out there played the game "Mad Father"? Because I just finished it and I have one thing to say about the ending...WHAT. THE. FUCK. LIKE SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. IF YOU HAVE PLAYED ANY OF THE ENDINGS FOR MAD FATHER YOU WOULD UNDERSTAAAAND. (If you don't feel like playing it then you could just watch Pewds play it :3)

What I wanted to call the chapter: ANTONI NOOOOOOOOOOO

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