Chapter 38: Anthony's Promise

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Anthony and Ian didn't believe a single word the police officer was saying, so they just said goodbye and left. They were still scared. I mean...c'mon, you don't just forget being kidnapped. Just like Ian didn't forget being raped. It was two of the worst experiences of his life. They were silent the entire ride home. When they got home, Ian spoke up "I..I know she's back...she can't not be back." "Ian, I understand...but she's not back. I saw her dead. Don't worry, some sick person is probably just pulling a sick prank on us." 


I don't know why the hell I just said that. I don't know why I lied to him. I just don't know. The reason I know she's back is because the front door lock was broken. I haven't told Ian, but he doesn't need to know. Like I said, I need to make him feel safe, secure, etc... While on the inside I'm screaming, crying, scared for my life, and even more scared for Ian's. "But..." "Not buts. We're going to be fine. I promise." I cross my fingers inside of my pocket.


God, no sleep...again. I can never sleep when I'm worrying. Yesterday...I don't even know how I managed to fall asleep. No matter how hard I tried to fall asleep, I just couldn't ugh. "Anthony...." Ian mumbles. Is he awake? I check....No, he's still fast asleep. Does Ian sleep talk? "What is it?" I ask. " dog...." I try to hold back from laughing, and somewhat succeed. I only let out a few snickers. "You're a hot dog?" I ask. "I'," he mumbles against my chest. I burst out laughing, waking Ian up. "Anthony...what the hell?" Ian asks before yawning. " sleep talk?" I ask, my laughter dying off. "I don't...well...I don't I?" "You do," I smile. It's pretty darn adorable. "You cutie," I say, sleepily. I'm so goddamn tired. "Anthony?" "Hm?" "You didn't get any sleep did you." Shit. "Nah, I just woke up early." "Don't give me that bullshit Anthony. You've been acting differently...and I'm worried about you...Is it me? Did I do something wrong? Is it because of yesterda-" "Ian. You're not doing anything wrong." "I'm not?" "You're not doing anything wrong," I repeat. "Oh thank god...." Ian nuzzles into me. Apparently, that's all he needed to hear.



"Anthony...there's bags under your should probably sleep..." I tell him. He looks awful. (Don't get me wrong, he looks adorable and attractive still...but it's not the same) "Ian. I'll be fine...let's just finish this shoot..." After those words, Anthony falls on top of me, taking us both to the ground. Anthony! "Anthony, are you alright?" I ask him. His eyes are closed. He must be passed out. "We can finish the shoot later. You need your rest..." I whisper, trying not to wake him up. I'm a little achey from the fall to the ground, but otherwise both of us are fine.



I open my eyes slowly. What had happened? I look to my left, to see (on the table next to the bed) a small note, some toast and water. I pick up the note and read it: Dear Anthony, Good morning! You finally woke up. Anyways, I'm in the other room if you need me. But for now, you should eat the toast and drink the water. I love you. Love, Ian (Blue-eyes ;) ) P.S. You're not off the hook btw. You need to tell me what happened. I worry about you a lot. Because I love you and stuff, yadda yadda yadda. I can't help but smile. He's so thoughtful...but shit. How am I suppose to explain why I couldn't sleep last night? Do I lie? Tell him the truth? None of the above? I don't know...but for now, I'm going to enjoy the toast and think about it.

(A/N) FLUFFINESS AND SOME ANGST? THAT'S ALMOST UNHEARD OF. Anyways, sorry for taking forever. I've just been really busy. Here are the things I've been doing: Playing video games with my boyfriend, my best friend came to my state to hang out (she lives in Illinois :( ) and I've just been brain dead. I know these excuses are lame but whatever. Anyways, ALL OF YOU LITTLE SHITS DECIDED TO TELL ME WHICH ONE YOU WANTED LAST CHAPTER. I can't stay mad at you. All of you are too cute. ^-^

What I wanted to call the chapter: GODDAMMIT ANTHONY

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