Chapter 43: This is Where I Die....isn't It?

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An hour later of silence between Ian and Melanie, Kalel knocks on the door. "Mel? You in there?" "Yeah!" Melanie replies, opening the door. "I did as you said..." Melanie tells her, pointing to Ian who's crying to himself softly. "Good. Now leave," She orders Melanie. Melanie leaves as quickly as she can. "Kalel." "Ian," She replies rather harshly. Her eyes are cold and she almost seems dead inside. "I want to tell you what's happening Ian. I hate to have confused prisoners." "O-okay...?" "'re going to stay in that cage without food, without water, without basically until you die. Sounds good? Good." "Wait...what?!?!" "You heard me." "Where the fuck would you get an idea like this?"

(A/N) READ FUCKING SLOW DAMMIT. (Effect yadda yadda yadda, I know, I know, you're sick of hearing it.)


I was young when it all started...very young. Too young. I was eight years old and my family was going great. That was until my father became an alcoholic. Because of this, my mother fell into depression. My dad would beat me then beat my mother. I was told not to tell keep it a secret. I almost told my best friend when my dad found us before I could. My family fell apart at that moment. He threw me in a small cage until I "learned my lesson".  My mom started to get in on it too. She had sucidal and homicidal thoughts at the same time. I was thrown in the cage if I did the smallest things. Come home one minute late and I would get thrown in it. Getting put in the cage means no food, no water, no necessary survival needs.  I would have to stay in there until they thought I was about to die. This happened until I found Anthony Padilla. Anthony beautiful Daniel amazing Padilla. He's the most amazing man I've ever met. Fuck that, there's so much more to him than just "amazing". He's....perfect. The definition of perfection. I came home late when I found out I was in love with him. They tried to throw me into the cage, but the exact opposite happened. I put them in the cage. They rotted away in that cage. When I mean rotted away, I mean rotted away. "You rotten bitch! Let us out of here!" My parent's voices ring in my ears. "The fuck?!?" Ian exclaims. Realization washes over my face when I realize that I have just said all of that out loud. "I didn't realize I was saying all that out loud." "You fucking killed your parents!?" "I didn't have a choice!" I yell back. "Now you're about to experience what I had to go through....almost every single day of my life." 


Kalel left the room after that, slamming the door behind her, leaving me ini this awful cage...Tears fill my eyes once again as they had before. A thought crosses my mind about a certain someone. Anthony. I just hope that Anthony's okay...hopefully he will be. He will be...right? I don't know. Even Anthony was scared, he admitted it himself. One tear rolls down my cheek. "Anthony...if only you were here with me right now. I need you more than ever," I whisper to myself, wiping away the tears. 


 "I..I know she's back...she can't not be back." "Ian, I understand...but she's not back. I saw her dead. Don't worry, some sick person is probably just pulling a sick prank on us." "But..." "Not buts. We're going to be fine. I promise," Anthony tells me. I trust you my love...I'm trusting you, Anthony...


Are you really sure Anthony? Can you keep your promise? I love you and all, but this is just one promise you can't keep... "This is where I die...isn't it?" My past self's voice rings inside of my head. Then the farmiliar and dreadful voice replies..."Finally you said something intelligent."

(A/N) ....hai. Do any of you ever say bro, bruh, brah, etc...ironcially, but you say it so much that it's no longer ironic? I feel like Dan Howell when I say that...but it's true. Do any of you ever do that? I'm probably the only one.

Sorry for not updating this lately, I've just been going through some stuff lately (I won't burden you with my problems)

QOTD: Do any of you play any instruments? (Reason for asking the question: I dunno I just really like instruments. I play the ukulele, piano and I'm planning on learning electric guitar)


(I know this is going to sound weird, but I dare you to make a high school reference in the comments, if you do, then I shall give you my undying love)

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