Chapter one: Our Beginning

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"Mother, don't worry I'll be there. I would never miss Helena's wedding. What kind of sister would I be?" I scoff through the phone.

My mother sighs "and please this time, the both of you come. I don't want people thinking anything Dilara." I roll my eyes and put the papers down on my desk.

"He might have to work," I say hoping shed just let it go.

"Please Lara talks to him or I will call him and ask myself." I huff.

"Okay, I'll talk to him," I say.

After hanging up the phone I sat down in my chair leaning back. I look at my silver ring on my finger bringing back to the day I got it.

*Flashback of 3 years ago*

"I don't get why we have to care about what people think for goodness sake! What am I being tortured for!" I yelled throwing my things across my room.

My mother rushes by me holding onto my arm "Dilara behave! This guy is good for you and he will keep you happy." she smiles trying to make me feel better. Which wasn't working at all.

"I just finished university mother, I still haven't found a job. I will get married when I find a proper job. when my life is set. Please!" I plead

"And you will after you get married. I want my daughters and sons to go with honour. If you carry on like this what will people say about you? They already have started saying things. Your father and I know your good, buts its those bad people around you sweetheart." She puts her hand on my cheek.

"No. I don't care what they think. I won't marry some random guy because of you and father care of society." I move my face from her hand. Her face turns red and I can tell she was about to explode.

"Why don't you kids like to hurt us! All I have ever wanted for you guys to go with honour and a better future. When we came here we had nothing. We enrolled you guys in the best schools and gave you the education that we weren't offered! We sacrificed everything for you! You're supposed to set a better example for your younger siblings!" She cried covering her face from me.

I put my hand over hers and I felt a tear drop on my hand and immediately gave in. I could never bare my mothers cry. She meant the world to me. Sometimes it was difficult to get through to her but she would never purposely hurt me. A tear slid down my face knowing what I had to do next. "Okay, I want to meet him first." She shakes her head saying yes.

"Of course." She hugs me.

*A week later*

I sat inside the mall by the coffee shop waiting for the guy my mother was praising this whole week. I told him to meet me here at 12:30 and it's 1:00. I'm wasting my time sitting here, he probably doesn't even want to talk.

I wasn't dressed too fancy, I wore my blue skinny jeans with my floral white shirt and let my long black hair down. I wasn't going to dress a fancy for some guy. I don't know why I even agreed. I have been emotionally blackmailed by my parents. The only reason I came was to explain to this guy I'm not interested so he could back and take back the proposal.

"Dilara, so sorry." I look up to see an extremely handsome man sit down across from me.

Oh my god, he's gorgeous. He was wearing a black suit that complimented his body, probably just came from work. Couldn't help but notice his features, he truly was a work of art. His eyes are dark chocolate brown, black hair combed back. His jaw structure was just unbelievable, I could tell he worked out... a lot. I could tell even through the suit.

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