Chapter Thirty-Four: A Happy Ending

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It's always hard for me to end a story. This was the best that I could do without dragging things along. I really hope you guys enjoyed "She's Got the Rhythm". I won't stop writing new stories, so leave your suggestions on my next one in the comments. Thanks to everyone who has been reading the story from the very, very beginning. Your support means a lot to me and I don't think I would've been able to finish this one without you guys. So thank you, really.

A few months later I traveled to Malaysia to share my story with other girls. Even though my story sounds scary and horrific, it was nothing compared to what some of these women went through. One lady told me she had gone shopping and was walking back to her car only to have a man grab her and throw her into a car. She said she managed to get away by unlocking the door when the car was moving and jump out. Another said two men had invaded her house and raped her daughters in the middle of the night. They locked her in a room and she witnessed their screams and cries for help. She said it was probably the worst experience of her life.

            These stories are definitely not what I’d expected to hear but I commend these women. I never understood why their voices couldn’t be heard. I mean, let’s face it, if I was able to go on the news and talk about my experience they should be able to as well. They said it was because they were looked down upon; that men were controlling and didn’t care what they had to say.

            Talking to these women had a huge impact on my life and just the way I looked at things. I was so lucky to be alive.

            After that, I spent the rest of the summer embarking on a journey and talking to other survivors. I felt so much better knowing that other people had been through exactly what I’d been through.

            Adam was there with me the entire time; he was really supportive with the entire situation. “You’re doing a really great thing, you know that?” he asked me one night.

            “I know, it’s not a big deal, really,” I shrugged.

            “You’re kidding, right? Traveling thousands of miles away from home and talking to other girls isn’t a big deal?” he laughed.

            “Okay, okay,” I admitted. “I just don’t want to be looked at like a celebrity or something. Just a regular person.”

            “And that is working very well. All these girls, do you realize how much they admire you?”

            “I know, I know. It’s crazy, and I’m just trying to take it all in.”

            “You’re doing a good job, babe.”


            We left Malaysia and it was back to reality. I was not excited to go back to school after everything that had happened but it turned out to be not as bad as I thought. In fact, my last two years in high school were really good, considering my circumstances.

            I hosted various drum clinics and taught younger girls to play the drums. Pretty soon, I’m sure we had had our own little cult of drummers in Scottsdale.

            As soon as we graduated high school, me and the band members parted ways. We all had different aspirations and we encouraged each other to go out and get them. I went to college to become a web designer. I still played drums, sometimes even gave out lessons. It was still very close to my heart.

            Adam and I went to the same college and we were closer than ever. By the time we had finished our third year, he proposed to me. I said yes, of course and all the guys flew down to be a part of it. In fact, they were our band for the wedding.

            A year after that, we had our first baby girl, Ella. When she was only three years old she saw me playing on the drum set and told me she wanted to try. I had her in my lap and before I knew it, she was hitting the drums like a pro. Ha, not exactly, she was only three years old; but she was definitely good for one of those.

            So, that’s my story. I hope you all enjoyed reading about my life and I didn’t bore you. Like I said at the beginning, everyone is destined for something in life. I found my calling, and I’m sure you will, too.

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