Chapter 10 : Date

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Arie's POV

    "You look amazing." I said to her as she walked out of the room.

    "Why thank you." She said. "You don't look too bad yourself."

    "I know huh?" I teased. She giggled as I opened the door for her and she hopped in the car. I did the same on my side and pulled out.

    "So, where are we going?" She asked.

    "We are gonna go a restaurant called Rhodes 24." I answered.

    "That sounds fancy already." She smiled.

    "It's amazing," I said. "And its about the memory not the cost."

    "Spoken like a true poet." She joked.

    "Because I am a poet." I said.

    "You wish." She chuckled.

    We pulled up to the restaurant and their were some people there not as busy as I thought it would be.

    "Reservation?" The guy asked at the door.

    "For Luyendyk." I said. He checked his paper.

    "Yes. For two." He said grabbing two menus. "This way."

    I slipped my hand in Taylor's as we followed him.

    "This is way too fancy." She said as she sat down.

    "Remember what I said." I replied looking at the menu with a smirk.

    "Grr." She said. "But this is still really nice."

    "Got to make a good impression on the first date right?" I said.

    "Right." She smiled. "Ew, people eat pigeon!"

    "Yeah nasty." I said.

    "Louis would go all sassy on the people here if he saw that." She joked. I chuckled.

    I didn't exactly like how much time she spent with all the guys. I know Harry is like her bestfriend but I could see that she and him have some sort of connection.


Harry's POV

    "Mate calm down!" Liam yelled to me.

    "I can't!" I yelled. "She's on a date with another guy because I didn't tell her how I felt!"

    "Maybe it's not gonna be good." Zayn suggested.

    "Of course it's gonna be good!" I yelled. "She always talks about him!"

    "Yeah but does he always talk about her?" He said.

     I thought about it for a second and I don't really talk to Arie that much. And when I do he doesn't say anything about her really.

    "Exactly." Zayn said as I didn't answer.

    "When are they gonna be back?" Niall asked.

    "I don't know." Liam said checking his watch. "It's almost 9 so soon I guess."

    He nodded and we sat in the living room of her place in silence. It was kind of awkward. Soon Taylor came walking in with the biggest smile on her face. She closed the door and her back faced us. She turned around and leaned on the door.

    I'm dead now.

Taylor's POV

    "I had so much fun." I said to Arie as we stood in front of my door.

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