Chapter 15 : Dancer Vibe.

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Harry's POV

   We all sat in the crowded car but no one talked. The silence was uncomfortable and you could feel the tension between everyone.

   Soon we pulled up to the airport and Taylor quickly jumped out.

   Zayn grabbed her suitcase for her and she faintly smiled.

   As we waited in the big airport we all looked at Taylor who was about to cry.

   "I'm not saying goodbye." She replied.

   "We aren't either." Danielle said giving her a tight and sentimental hug.

   "Call me everyday." She replied. Danielle nodded and let go.

   "Liam," She said. "Make sure those two don't kill eachother while I'm gone. And take care of yourself okay? Don't let anyone bring you down."

    "I promise." He said kissing her temple and pulled her into a hug.

    "Zayn," She said with a smile. "You are amazing you know that? You know how to make everyone smile by just saying one of your deep quotes. Make sure you live life good. Enjoy the roller coaster that is life."

    Zayn chuckled through his tears and pulled her into a hug. He hid his face in the crook of his neck and I bit my lip from crying.

    "Niall," She said. "I know we had that little thing between us. I hope we can move past it because I love you like my brother. We have so much fun. Please, be that crazy mofo I know and don't let haters get to you. Their just jealous of how amazing you are."

    "Yeah buddy." Niall cheered. She giggled and they embraced into a hug.

    She let go and swallowed as she turned to Louis. I saw her eyes glistened up from tears.

    "You know I love you," She started with a weak voice. "I promise to not forget you. I know we had something as well and I completely ruined it by going to Paris with Harry. I don't regret being like that with you. I hope you find someone as amazing and funny as you are. Be a bit mischevious okay?"

    "Deal." He said. They wrapped their arms around eachother and my eyes were tearing up more and more as she got closer to me.

    Soon she pulled away and tears formed in our eyes more and more. She stood right infront of me.

    "Harry." She said.

    "Please don't say goodbye." I choked.

    "I'm not." She said with a smile. "Listen to me. I know how you are. Don't go to some club when you are angry and take it out on the guys or some girl there. Don't get so drunk you sleep with thousands of girls who actually might delevelop feelings for you because you have the charm that I don't think anyone could pass. Be you. Find a girl. Not at the club. At some old bookstore. Coffee quaint. Somewhere. Because I know out there, there is a girl perfect for you."

    She took a deep breath.

    "I know," She started again. "I know about the photo. I've known from the first time we talked about it. I'm sorry I never talked to you about it but I just didn't want to believe it. I'm sorry I don't exactly feel that strong about you because you are my bestfriend. That's all I need is for you to be my bestfriend."

    "I promise." I choked out.

    She reached in her pocket and handed me the photo of her.

    That's when tears came out. I grabbed her into a warm hug shutting my eyes.

    Soon she pulled away, grabbed her luggage and she was off to New York living her dream.

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