Chapter 8

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"I made enough! I'm going to college," I squealed as I ran out of the room and into the living room.

"Really?!" Pia beamed as she grabbed my hand. We bounced around in excitement. "We're going to have to celebrate! We should go to a cool 70's theme diner tonight. Like a celebration dinner!"

"Okay, oh my God! I'm honestly so happy and relieved." I laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling. I was at such a peaceful state that looking at the ceiling made me happy. I did it, on my own. It took some grinding but I finally accomplished my goal.

Pia laid next to me. "I'm so glad I'll be going in with someone I'm close to, I was getting a bit nervous to be honest."

"Why? You're such a lovable person. You could make friends asap."

She shrugged. "Yeah, just friends but not close ones."

"Anyone would be lucky to be friends with you," I said, cheerfully.

She turned to her side and grinned. "I can say the same. What time is your class tomorrow?"

"10. You?"

"10:30. We can head to university together?"

"Sounds good."

"Oh, and you can tell me more about your job since you're always too tired when you come home to talk about it." She narrowed her eyes and smirked. "I need that type of cash."

I rolled my eyes. "No, you dont."

"You're right, I dont but it would be nice to get my own dough."

"We'll see," I replied with a mischievous smile.

"Ugh, such an enigma," she whined as she got up and headed to her room to get ready for our celebration dinner.

There were a lot of college students at the dinner, specifically those in frats and sororities. Pia spoke to a few of the girls and flirted with a couple of guys. She didnt want the commitment of sisterhood but wanted the connections.

I stayed back in the booth, drinking my milkshake. This was the first day in weeks that I had a day off and it felt great. I was still going to work at the lounge since I needed to save up for future semesters, but I was only going to work three to four nights a week. For the rest of the days of the week, I would be living my life as an ordinary college student: studying, making friends, participating in organizations, maybe even date.

Pia rushed over to the table with an excited look. "We've just been invited to a party!"

"Really? I thought we were keeping it chill tonight."

She tilted to her head to the side. "We can...or we can meet some hot guys and drink a little." She raised her eyebrows and nodded her head in an approving manner.

I didnt want to go to the party. I had spent so many of my nights with men and appeasing them. I wouldve appreciated a night off from all that work, but I didn't want Pia heading to a party by herself. Most of the guys looked at her as if she were a piece of meat. Most freshman girls were preyed on because of their naivitivty.

"Okay," I sighed. "Only for two hours."

"Yes! Let's go!"

The house smelled of booze, weed, and sweat. There were a bunch of different aged people at the frat house. A few men looked like they were too old to be college students, regardless, they partied as if they were students. Pia clung to one guy in particular named Abel. He was a sophomore and seemed like a decent guy. He made sure she was around him at all times and kept her entertained.

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