Eight: Starting Over

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"David Brewster Jr, don't you dare raise your voice in my house!"

"But ma, he keeps talking down to me like I'm a bum or something. I'm making money and I'm taking care of my daughter, something he just mad he can't do!" Dave mugged his uncle.

"Get out!" His mother pointed.

Dave looked down at his mother surprised and pissed.


"Get your disrespectful ass out boy!" His uncle snarled.

"You kicking me out, your own son out, over him. You know he wrong!" Dave pointed.

His mother slapped him, his headed didn't turn but his eyes grew cold.

"Aight, I see how it is. He gonna be leeching off you until you croak. Matter-a- fact, let him buy a house for you. I swear to God I ain't paying your mortgage or your car note anymore. You won't have to worry about me or my daughter EVER again!" Dave snatched Jaliyah up and put her on his hip as he grabbed her bag and left out.

He had to stop at the corner to put her in her car seat. She looked up at him with her big eyes and he kissed her forehead.

"Daddy will forever love you, no matter what." He smiled.

"Okay Daddy. I wuv you too!" She smiled.

He put her bag beside her and hopped back into the front and headed home.

He was tired of people talking down on him but, he was about to prove everyone wrong. There was about to be a Change Of Plans.

Looking outside her kitchen window as kids ran up and down the street playing and laughing , Jazmine smiled.

She went upstairs to check on her brother.

He had his door open and he and his girlfriend were sitting on the floor, leaning against his bed watching Netflix on the smart television.

"Y'all need or want anything?" Jazmine asked.

"No ma'am, I'm good." Keke smiled.

"Alright, the pantry is stocked and I have pizza left over in the oven. MaCartier I'm about to head out so make sure you lock up and no funny business or imma whoop both of y'all." Jazmine nodded.

"You know I'm a gentleman; Just be careful out there." MaCartier smiled.


"You look pretty." Keke winked.

Jazmine smiled, "Girl stop it." She playfully blushed.

"Aye, get out of here." MaCartier shooed her away.

Jazmine pulled her dress down a little before hopping in her Lexus and heading to the restaurant in which her date was waiting on her.

Jazmine pulled her dress down a little before hopping in her Lexus and heading to the restaurant in which her date was waiting on her

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