II : Antlers On Her Head

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Demi's POV

I found out the lady's name was Selena. And that the man who celebrated his birthday was her father. I kept looking around the house, now that I knew it was hers. The home was suddenly ten times more interesting. "Demi, are you coming with us?" Wen asked. "Where to?" "All grandkids usually go outside after giving presents. We're going to hang out at the playground." "Cool." I stood up and followed them outside.

I figured that if I wanted to find out if this Selena girl found me as interesting as I found her, I shouldn't even try to make contact. After the attempt, I at least drew attention. The game was on, and I certainly didn't mind playing it.

It didn't take long for her to catch up to me to walk beside me. I gave her a quick look and then smiled. But still, no word was said. The other kids and adolescents kept talking, yelling even, and we just walked there quietly. We both didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that there was no conversation taking place. Selena replied whenever someone talked to her, but she never walked away from her spot next to me. And it didn't feel like she was going to either. I kept my hands in my pockets, walking my own speed, whereas she tried to keep up with my big steps and kept an eye on me every once in a while. We eventually approached the playground.

Selena's POV

I ran a few steps to catch up to Wen's girlfriend, as she casually walked in front of the group with her hands in her pockets. She looked at me, her eyes went down, and then back up. She scanned me and what she saw seemed to please her. She gave a lovely smile and looked forward again. She accepted my presence, and it felt good. Normally I wouldn't be this happy to be accepted by someone. It was something about her appearance or aura. It's as if she had invisible antlers on her head and she wasn't afraid to show it. I thought for a moment. I should really say something. I didn't want her to think I was mute or something. She asked me if I had fun before, but I didn't have enough time to reply to it. We eventually reached the playground. People started to talk to her, and she politely went along with it.

"How did you and Wen actually meet?" "At a youth center. Some people were given the chance to show their special interests. Wen loves collecting traditional Asian props as you may know. We chatted and it clicked." "How long ago?" "Four months and twelve days." "Oh wow, you even know the number of days."

She laughed and nodded. She sounded so bright for some reason. Before I knew it, a whole circle of the family had formed around her. It was logical since she was the new flesh of our well-known clan. At least I wasn't that distinctive for standing next to her anymore. She looked like a good leader figure. Wen stood next to her on the other side and gave a kiss on her cheek. This time her smile seemed less genuine.

Wen is my cousin, twice removed. She was adopted by her father and mother, who unfortunately weren't able to have children themselves. She's always been a very sweet girl, but sometimes she could be a little obnoxious and loud. To be honest, I didn't know what this woman saw in her. Wen and I used to be good friends when we were younger. We always pretended to be long lost sisters and made up stories. I miss those stories sometimes.

I looked up, shaking myself out of my thoughts. I could see the rest of my family heading towards the swings to fuck with them. They started to throw them around the pole to make them shorter and then climbed onto them like apes. The woman however still stood at her place, just like me. I looked at her. Now was my chance. Only I didn't know what to say. I just tried to go with something.

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