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I stayed with her. I sat next to her dead body. I didn't care about the blood staining my clothes. I just wanted to be with her and I didn't even know why. She was dead. And she was no longer going to revive. I killed her. I'm a murderer. Her blood is on my hands. I cried. I wished things had ended so much differently. I wished we could just live on, both of us. But she was dead. She no longer had a life in front of her. I hated her but I loved her. I wanted to sing her to sleep, but she was gone before I could take any action. I had seen her eyes turning lifeless. I had watched her laying there. I had closed her eyes as if she were asleep. But she didn't breathe. She was dead.

My eyes were on the brick walls of the house. The night was dark, but the house changed from blue to red, to blue to red. The sirens of the police cars made it look like a party. I had my eyes on the window, as a policeman pushed me in the back of the car. I sat there with my hands cuffed, knowing her body still laid there. She was now being investigated. The policemen had seen the playroom. They had seen how much our play had gotten out of hand. But it had finally stopped snowing. The night was clear and dark. The full moon was up.

The further I was removed from her body, the more I started to realize that my fears were gone. The madness was gone. I had freed myself from her coils. I had freed myself from her spell and her claws. She no longer roamed in the back of my mind, constantly trying to ruin my life. I had taken my life back. I was free. 

All I needed to be free, was for me to do the dare.

DARE (Mature/18+) (Delena/Semi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now