XVIII : Perfect Imperfections

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"Do you have everything?" Demi asked with a wide smile on her face. "Yes. Bikini, beach stuff." I summed up, standing at her door. Demi bowed down to grab her own bag with beach stuff and closed the front door behind her. "Let's go." She unlocked her car and we both sat down in it. "Oh, almost forgot." Demi suddenly reached for my lips and gave me a kiss. I felt my cheeks burning when she pulled away. "Otherwise I won't be able to kiss you for two hours straight." She added, starting the car. I grinned. "It's two hours away?" "Yep, so brace yourself." She looked behind her and drove the car out of her parking lot.

I looked around the car for a moment. I had sat in it before but never observed it as I did now. It was a simple Toyota Yaris. The inside was matte black. It was quite recognizable. Perhaps I should study its plate, learn it. No, no more bad or weird things. Demi had told me I should see her as a normal young woman, and she was absolutely right. I shouldn't observe everything she owns. I should delete the photos. Oh god, the photos. What if she spots them? I shouldn't open my gallery anywhere near her today.

I tried to sigh away my thoughts. Demi drove out of the city, talking about her job. I was listening attentively of course, yet the thoughts about the photos kept creeping into my mind. I frowned, sighing again. Demi looked at me for a second before looking back at the road. "Everything okay?" "What?" "Am I making you nauseous? I could drive a little less reckless." She grinned. "No, it's fine. I'm fine." "Wait, here." Demi quickly snatched something from the drawer above my legs. She threw it on my lap. "Pick something. I wonder what music you listen to." She smiled.

My eyes went over the titles of CDs inside the map. Demi seemed to listen to various genres. Modern rock, old rock, piano music, classical, pop, blues, and so forth. I could see artists like Abba, Genesis, Michael Jackson, Nina Simone, Simon & Garfunkel and Three Days Grace in the stack. I smiled, seeing a few I seemed to like. I even saw Vivaldi, Ludovico Einaudi and various soundtracks of movies. "You have so many." I stated, still trying to choose. "I have a whole drawer full of CDs in the TV cabinet." She smiled, feeling proud. I finally chose one and put it in the slot of her radio. I put it on shuffle and pressed play.

I could hear Demi's laugh as soon as the beat of the song started. "Yes!" She cheered, clearly pleased with the CD I chose. I laughed with her. Demi turned up the volume and started swinging on the beat rather quickly. She moved her shoulder back and forth. My head moved along to the beat as well. "I hear the drums echoing tonight, but she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation." I didn't expect her to sing along. My eyes were stuck on her, as I couldn't get my smile off my face. "She's coming in, 12:30 flight. The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation." She sang a bit sarcastically, trying to make me laugh. She sure succeeded. "I stopped an old man along the way. Hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies. He turned to me as if to say: 'Hurry boy it's waiting there for you!'" She sang loudly while looking at me for a moment. She gestured to me that should sing along. I couldn't possibly decline. I hated singing but this was too amazing.

"It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had"


We had taken a mini-vacation from our cold winter because over at the beach it was quite warm. "Could you do my back, too, please?" I asked, holding up the bottle of sunscreen. Demi rolled her eyes and snatched the bottle out of my hands. She quickly pulled off her sunglasses before smearing the white liquid onto my shoulder plates. "Most people just say 'Can you do my back?'." She said with a smile. "Didn't I?" "You always say things so formally." She stated. "I do?" "Yeah." "Okay, well can you do my back?" I asked, nodding a bit sarcastically. Demi laughed, finishing my back. She planted a soft kiss on my shoulder before, placing the sunscreen in my bag. "Shall we go?" She asked. "Yes." I said happily, coming from underneath the beach umbrella, following her to the sea.

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