Chapter 2

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They couldn't talk for long, for Anna had to return back to her home. It was getting really late, and dawn would approach soon. Damien stood, and gave her a light hug.

He felt her stiffen a moment, but relaxed after a moment. He pulled from her then, and looked into her face. "You sleep well Anna." He said and brushed her bangs aside. She looked up at him innocently with her blue eyes.

"Will…I see you again?" she asked with her soft voice. She looked a bit hopeful as she searched his face, while waiting for an answer. He smiled at her.

"Of course. I can meet you here again tomorrow night. Is that alright?" he asked. She nodded and gave a little smile of her own.

 "Yes, its fine. My parents are never home, so I know I can sneak away." She said. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Damien." She said as she began walking away. She gave a little wave and then took off with light run back towards her house.

     Damien watched as she ran off. He smirked slightly, and then turned to sit back down onto the bench. He looked up at the sky. They had talked a little while that night.

 He didn't get much knowledge about her. He didn't even know her age. She kept a lot of her personal stuff from him. Of course he respected that, since they had just met. They talked casually, not really getting into much of a discussion about anything.

 He did find out she like the night, and how she could stare endlessly at the stars. She loved to read and had shelves full of books. He smiled at the remembrance of her warmth.

He, being a vampire was a cold being. He was technically non living, no breath and no heartbeat. He was like a corpse, walking around. He did need sustenance to live though, and that sustenance was blood.

Thinking upon that, he remembered he still needed to find someone to feed from. He spent most of his hunting time, talking to Anna. He didn't mind of course. He was happy to have met her and possibly have a friendship with her. At least until he moved on.

     Damien closed his eyes for a moment, just enjoying the cool night air and the slight breeze. Eventually hunger pangs and the desire to feed finally won out and he got to his feet. He slid into the shadows of the night and started seeking out his victim.



       Anna made it back to her house in no time, after jogging down the side walk towards the outskirts of the town and to the large Victorian styled house her parents inherited.

 She stepped onto the porch, and used her key on the lock, to open the large wooden door. With a click the door closed, and with a louder click she locked it back. She headed upstairs to her room.

She flipped on the light and was welcomed by all her posters and interesting memorabilia she had collected. She flopped onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling. She went through all that happened that night in her head.

The reason she took the walk, was to clear her head. Her mother had called on the phone, saying she wouldn't be coming home that night and to be sure to eat. Anna frowned as she heard her mother's words. She had sat the phone down with a click and then sighed.

‘Alone again’. Alone, and seemingly unloved. After the phone call, she headed outside. She needed fresh air and a cool night to think. She had walked to the park and sat on a bench. Thinking she was alone, she began to stare at the stars and just think.

When she heard a noise and then a person…she was for sure thinking she was going to get mugged. Or killed…or both. When it turned out, that Damien was just someone like her who was out walking…she eased up a bit.

She still didn't trust him completely, but she liked having someone talk to her and listen. She wanted to see him again. She wanted to know more about this person she never saw before. 

     Anna closed her eyes and ended up falling asleep before she got undressed. Snippets of her meeting with Damien filled her mind and entered her dreams. Very nice, and none depressing dreams…for once

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now