Chapter 4

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 The sun had risen, and had been up for quite some time, when Anna decided to wake up. The sun filtered through her curtain and hit her in the face. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, smearing some of her makeup. She stood and went into the bathroom to shower and get washed up. 

When she was dressed, she chose a white button down blouse with capped sleeves, and a black and red plaid skirt. She grabbed her choker and her black arm warmers and then put another pair of fishnets on, as well as her boots. She reapplied her eyeliner and then headed into the kitchen. 

She breakfasted on a couple pieces of toast and some milk. She peered around the kitchen looking to see if there were any hints of her parents return from wherever they went off to this time. She placed the carton of milk back into the refrigerator and let it close as she headed into the living room.

 Upon not seeing her mother's briefcase near the door, it meant that she hadn't come home yet. Her mother was a lawyer and was often gone for days when she was in the middle of a case. She either spent days in or near the office so she'd be closer to work. The place her mother worked at was a law firm in the next town over, so instead of commuting day after day, her mother often stayed in a motel or hotel there closer to her work.

 Since Anna didn't see the briefcase, that meant she wasn't home. Anna's father was also a busy man. Often he was away on business trips overseas, working with clients concerning textiles. Her father owned one of the biggest companies that made fabric, which was shipped to places all over the world. He often went looking to join forces with other companies in other countries to make his business that more profitable. She hardly saw her father anymore.

     Anna had always felt neglected ever since she was born. When her mother had her, 17 years ago, she took time off at work to raise her. Since she had to do it alone, with her father gone a lot, she had to stay there with Anna. 

When she got older, babysitters or she was shipped off to her grandparents for weeks on end. She missed school a lot and had really bad grades. It wasn't because she was stupid, quite the opposite. She liked to learn, but when you're moved around a lot from grandparents, to friends of the family, to other stranger family members….you don't get to attend school that much. And because of that she fell behind in studies. Anna finally just stopped tying and even when she was home, she didn't go to school. 


She gone up to her room, long enough to grab her bag—which she slung over her shoulder—and her house keys. She left the house to head into town. She often killed time at the library, or with the one friend she did have. 

Kay was her best friend since she moved to this town ten years ago. Kay was blond, and dressed in dark clothing like she herself did. It was actually Kay who got her started wearing the sort of clothes she did. 

She wanted to be noticed, so she got her brown hair dyed black and had her bangs colored. She also got pierced, a silver stud right under her lower lip. However, dressing in dark clothing and looking Emo, didn't even raise the reaction she wanted. Her mother was a bit concerned with her image, but didn't say much more on the subject. Her father hasn't even been home long enough to notice the transformation.

    When she went into town, she pulled her cell phone from her bag and texted her friend Kay. She wanted to see where she was, and wondered if they could hang out. She got a reply a few moments later, saying she was at the arcade, whooping someone's ass at one of the games there. 

Anna smiled slightly and then she headed to the arcade. She really liked her one friend Kay, even if she didn't get to hang out with her that much. Since she was her only friend…she felt better in her presence….well…at least until she met Damien. Damien was an interesting person. She couldn't wait to tell Kay about him, and find out what her friend thought. 

    "So, he's out late at night and approaches you like some psycho?" Kay asked as they sat together on a bench outside the arcade. "That's some freaky stuff. And he didn't want your money?" she arched her slender blond eyebrow. 

Anna shook her head. "No, all he did was sat next to me and started talking, like we were old friends. There was something weird about him though. He seemed a bit cold when he hugged me. Like, he wasn't alive." She frowned.

 Kay tilted her head. "That is weird. Ha…maybe he's a vampire." Kay teased and then laughed at her.

 Anna looked at her. "If he was a vampire, he'd of bitten me and made me his mate or something." She said. 

Kay laughed more and shook her head. "Maybe he has one already, and he just wants you as a midnight snack." Kay kept laughing at her comment.

 Anna smiled slightly at her friends' humor. "Right…well I'm going to see him again tonight. He said he'd meet me at the park again." She said to Kay. 

Kay nodded. "Just be careful. He may just be trying to get you to trust him, so he can get into your house and take your stuff." Kay warned. "Want to get some Chinese food? I'm starving." She asked. Anna thought about it.

 "Sure…I have nowhere else to be right now." She said as she followed her friend a couple blocks away to the local Chinese place.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now