Chapter 6

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Anna and Damien didn't know that they were being watched at that very moment. In the shadows behind a few trees there in the park, was Xavier. He was returning home from feeding, when he saw Damien walking into town.

 He wasn't creeping through the shadows, like a vampire on the hunt. No, he was going somewhere with a purpose. Xavier was curious as to where the young vampire was headed. Xavier stalked him, being sure to stay downwind from Damien's keen sense of smell as he followed.

 Where Damien ended up shocked him. He watched in the shadows as he sat there and talked with a mere human. He was even more shocked when Damien presented his fangs to her. She didn't run away, but she did look frightened, but only for a moment. The human was then shown by Damien, his super strength. Xavier scowled at this display. Damien was breaking all sorts of Vampire rules, and he needed to be punished.

     As quietly as he followed Damien, he snuck away just as so. He headed directly to their home, to find Sethander and tell him about what he witnessed. Xavier stopped a moment and thought. Instead of telling their Sire about what he saw, he could blackmail Damien into doing stuff for him.

He could be in charge of someone for once and not just be a grunt of Seth's. He grinned as he plotted things he could have Damien do, while under his control and if Damien refused he could go and tell their Sire all he saw. It seemed evident that this boy liked the human girl.

So much in fact that he'd protect her from Sethander if he found out. Yes, before he left his spot behind the trees, his excellent hearing picked up Damien's words to the girl. If Xavier played his cards right, he would have his own little slave. Xavier grinned all the way back home, content with his decision and the fact he couldn't wait to blackmail Damien. 


     Anna stayed there in Damien's arms for a while. Finally they pulled apart.

"I want to keep seeing you Damien." she said finally after a moment of staring at each other. "But, I don't want you getting in trouble. Perhaps we can see each other every other night. So that way you're not gone all the time and those other vampires or your Sire wouldn't get suspicious of you leaving." She said to him.

He looked up at the sky. "They don't care about me. I could be gone for a days on end and they pay me no mind." He said as he looked back at her. "I may live with others, but I might as well be living alone. Xavier, Eva and Sethander all have lives they live beyond the basement of that house. They don't have time to be worrying about me. So on that note, I doubt that Sethander will even find out about you." He said.

He reached towards Anna's face and brushed her bangs aside like he did the night before. "This means, if I want, I could come see you every night. Perhaps instead of meeting here at the park I could come to your house instead. I won’t take advantage of you or anything…I just want to see where it is you live." He said with a smile.

Anna thought over his idea. "I…guess that'd be alright." She said. "My mother isn't home hardly at all…She'd freak if I brought home a guy, so I guess it's a good thing she won’t be home." She said as she began to twist the toe of her boot into the ground.

 Her hands clasped behind her back as she spoke. As if she was shy about the subject they were discussing. He smiled at how she was acting about what they were talking about.

"There is no need to be shy about letting me see your house. I'm sure it looks fine. I'm not very neat myself so if it's messy I won't mind." He gave a little half grin. "Perhaps tomorrow night I can come to your house. Is that alright?" he asked her.

She looked up and nodded lightly. "Tell me your address, I'll find it just by that. I've been in this town long enough to know where everything is." He explained.

Anna gave him the street she lived on, and the number. "It's a really old Victorian house on the outskirts of town. It's pretty secluded from the other houses, so you can't miss it really." She said. "My father inherited it from some old relative of his about 10 years ago. He moved is to this town so we could live in it. Our other house was stuck in the middle of this neighborhood where all the houses were built the same, they just had different colors. This house we're in now is two story and much bigger." She said giving him a bit of her past right then. "But I don't want to bore you with how we moved here." She said stopping herself.

He laughed at her comment. "I don't mind it. It beats my past that's for sure. It's cute learning about how humans do things. We vampires do things a lot differently in most cases." He said with a smile. 

     They talked for a while longer, standing there in the night. Damien glanced at his watch once and saw that it was close to 3am.

"Dear Anna, as much as I love standing and talking to you, I think it's time we headed to our homes. I still need to feed, and you should get some sleep." He said. "I will see you at your house tomorrow. Should I come at midnight like tonight? Or would you like me to come earlier?" he asked.

Anna tilted her head in thought. "Ten? Can you come around then?" she asked.

He nodded "Ten it is then." He smiled.

 He pulled her close and embraced her. He then kissed her forehead gently.

"Until then Miss Anna, I bid you adieu." He bowed and then watched as she walked away. He gave her a wave until she was out of sight. 

     Damien returned to the same cow farm as the night before and drank his fill of cow blood. With his hunger sated, he began walking to the house he lived in. He smiled, as he thought about Anna.

She was a pretty thing, even if she thought herself as plain. He couldn't wait to see her house. He had happy thoughts the whole time he walked. When he entered the basement of the house he lived in, he saw Xavier there.

 "Evening." He said with a nod to the other Vampire.

"Damien! Just the vampire I wanted to see!" the other vampire exclaimed.

Damien looked at him, and arched an eyebrow. "You wanted to see me?" he asked. "What for?" he looked at Xavier and wondered what was going on.

"Well now. I discovered something very interesting tonight. I thought I'd share it with you. I spotted a vampire, talking in the park with a human. He wasn't biting her…no; instead he was sitting there and talking to her like she was an equal." He said and then smirked.

Damien's expression turned to shock, and then turned hard as he glared. "What do you want Xavier." He asked darkly. "I know you want something from me, to keep you quiet about this. You'll tell Sethander if I don't right?" he said.

He wasn't dumb…he knew exactly how this worked. He had to do something for Xavier in order to keep his silence. Xavier just stood over by his coffin, with a smug look on his face.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now