Chapter 7

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 "You are very smart Damien." Xavier complimented. "Of course, I do want something. To keep me silent, in exchange I want you to do whatever I say."

He said with a big smirk. "You'll do what I say with no complaint and if you do, I will not tell Sethander what I saw tonight in the park. You are very stupid to be meeting up with a human like that. Humans are food, not friends. However I should be glad of your stupidity." Xavier said with a laugh. "Because now I have my own little slave to do whatever I want."

He laughed deeper. "You can start by washing my clothing. There is a big pile of laundry there in the corner that needs to be hand washed, dried and put away. Be careful of the fabrics, they are very delicate." He then patted Damien on the head like a puppy and then went to his coffin. 

     Damien growled the whole time that Xavier talked. He heard his words, and he would have to comply. If he didn't then he'd tell Sethander and then he'd be in trouble. If he was incapacitated and couldn't get to Anna, she'd be in danger. He had to do as Xavier said, to assure Anna's safety.

He glared at Xavier as he heard him mention laundry. He hated doing even his own and Xavier knew this. He shot him a deadly glare to the other vampire as he went to the corner of the basement and picked up the pile of clothing. He went upstairs to where the laundry room was and began hand washing all of the delicate clothes.


     Anna made it home perfectly fine. She was a bit surprised that Damien actually ended up being a vampire like her friend Kay had teased her about. She didn't even know that vampires existed, let alone ever think she'd meet one in person. When she got to her house, she headed upstairs and flopped onto her bed. She was really happy.

For once in her life, there was something going on, that wasn't complete crap. She had met Damien, and he didn't think of her as some weirdo freak that dressed strange. He seemed to really like her. He liked her enough to want to see her again tomorrow.

She then at that moment remembered he said he'd be coming to her house tomorrow. She'd have to clean up a bit, because right now the house was in no state to receive company. Even though Damien said he didn't mind it was a mess, she did.

She hadn't cleaned, dusted or vacuumed…seeing that she was really pissed off at her mom and didn't care of the house looked like a pig sty. But thanks to her, now she had a lot of cleaning to do.

It was late, and she needed sleep, so she vowed she'd tackle the mess tomorrow when she woke up. With that, she cleaned off her makeup, changed into night clothes and went to sleep.


     Damien was up a long while that morning, doing Xavier's laundry. By the time it was clean and folded, it was well after sun up. He put the clothes away into the armoire that was against the wall in Xavier's part of the basement.

He put the folded pants and shirts into the drawers on the bottom and then hung the coats and jackets up on the top part, where there were other coats already hanging. Damien was tired, and he needed to get some sleep, before he'd meet Anna. He tiredly made his way over to his coffin and opened it. He climbed inside and slept the remainder of the day. 

     When night hit, Damien was stirred awake by the sound of a tapping on the lid of his coffin. He opened it and saw Xavier staring down at him.

 "What do you want?" he asked with a frown.

"Uh uh uh.." he said wagging his finger. "Wake up, I have something I want you to do." He said standing back so Damien could get out of his coffin.

 Damien sighed and then he got up. "What is it? It better be quick. I have to go somewhere tonight." He scowled.

 Xavier shook his head sadly. "You're a foolish one, to get involved with that human girl. But it's your business. As long as you finish my task, you're free to do whatever you want afterword." He said with a shrug.

 Xavier then produced a paper wrapped package and handed it to Damien. "I want you to deliver this package to a colleague of mine. He lives at this address. Knock on the door twice then ring the bell. He will open the window on the door and ask you: 'where does the mockingbird make its nest.' Then you reply with 'in the tree behind the old house.'" Xavier instructed him. "That is our code. Once you say it, the door will unlock and he'll take the package. Be sure to get the envelope that he gives back. That is very important. I'd do it myself but I have something else I need to do. Now go, he's expecting someone there at nine." 

     Damien shook his head at all this secret stuff that he was about to get himself into. But he had no choice. He walked the package to the door of the house that was written on the package which was tucked safely under his arm. He tapped twice on the door then rang the bell. He heard sounds behind the door for a moment, then the glass pane on the door opened up to reveal a pale face.

"Where does the mockingbird make its nest?" the pale face asked. Damien watched him a moment.

"In the tree behind the old house." He replied. The pane closed and there were a few clicks of locks unlocking, then the door opened. Damien held out the package for him. It was snatched away and the door slammed.

 "Hey!!! I was supposed to get something back!" he shouted to the door. He growled and his eyes flashed red. This was no time to be doing this! He beat on the door with his fists, splintering the wood and shattering the glass pane.

 He tossed the broken door aside and went into the house. There were screeches of horror coming from somewhere in the house as he looked around. He found the pale man who had slammed the door in his face.

"Give me the envelope." He said holding out his hand "Now." He ordered with a stern tone.

 The pale faced man shivered in fright, but handed over the brown envelope, with a shaky hand. "S…sorry…it's a bit short. But it's all we have. Don't kill us please." He frowned.

 Damien looked around and saw a woman and a small child in the room as well. He looked into the envelope and saw a bunch of money. What would Xavier do with money? He frowned.

 "What exactly does Xavier bring you?" he asked.

The man looked at him "A…actually he doesn't bring us anything. The package is a decoy. There's nothing in it but rocks." The man said as he opened the package to reveal a box of stones.

"I don't get it." Damien said confused. "We…borrowed some money from him, to buy this house. He's a loan shark. Now he's making us pay it back to him with interest. But we don't have the money. We were surprised when you came along. I thought during that split second, that I'd just keep this months payment and let you deal with his anger." He said. "I'm sorry." He frowned. "But I really am doing the best I can." The man told Damien.

 Damien sighed and handed the envelope back. "Keep it. You obviously need it. I'll give Xavier what I have and say it's from you." He told them. I didn't mean to beat down your door." He said with a frown. He walked over to the destroyed door. "I'll pay for that to be repaired too." He said sheepishly. "In the mean time...” he said glancing at his watch. "I really need to be somewhere." He told the man and his family.

"Sorry again." he then headed out the doorway and disappeared into the shadows. He used his speed to get him to Anna's house just in time for him to be there.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang