Chapter 21

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     Anna made it alright to the store after she had left Damien at the park. She headed straight back to the dairy department and grabbed a gallon of vitamin D milk. She carried it one handed to the front of the store and shelled out a few bills from her wallet to pay for it. The heavy jug of milk swung slowly like a slow motion pendulum as she walked back to Kay's house. When the weight of the milk began to make her right arm ache, she switched it to the other hand. She continued to do this until she just cradled it in both arms, to save herself the strain. The cool milk within the plastic jug pressed against her belly as she carried along

     She entered the house and headed into the kitchen. "There she is." Kyle's voice sounded, making her look up. Anna slid the milk carton onto the kitchen table as she approached it. Kay and Kyle were both standing there. "S…sorry, I just went for a walk. I didn't expect to be gone that long. I didn't mean to worry you or make you wait." She said sliding over the milk so Kyle could pour it onto his dry bowl of cereal. "I imagine you needed some time to think, so its fine…but Kyle about had a heart attack when he saw there was no milk to pour onto his cereal." Kay joked and poked her brothers' side. Kyle swatted her hand away. "He was this close to eating it dry…which would have been such sad thing to see." She continued to poke fun at her twin. Anna still felt a bit bad, but gave a weak smile as her friend kept teasing her, and her brother.

     Anna left the kitchen and headed down the hall to her room. She lay back on her bed and thought about what Damien said. She faced the window with her eyes closed. When she opened them, she saw a shadow outside. She bolted upright and gripped the blankets under her. It was still day, and as far as she knew Kay and Kyle were in the kitchen. Who was standing outside her window? Surely Damien wouldn't freak her out by peeking at her…She slowly stood and backed away from the bed and headed out the door. The window was open a good three inches, and there was no screen…someone had removed it…so now there was just air between the gap. She hadn't noticed it when she came in.

     She screamed when something whizzed by her, and landed with a woody thud next to her on the door. A dagger, a good five inches long was imbedded into the door right next to her head. She screamed and ducked under the dagger and ran from her room to the kitchen. Kyle and Kay who had heard the screams met her halfway in the hall. "What's going on??" Kay asked seeing how freaked out Anna looked. She was pale and frightened. "S….s….someone…dagger." was all she got out. 

     Kyle went into the room and saw no dagger, but did see the hole it left in the door. "I don't see any dagger…but this is one hell of a deep hole…." He said fingering it. "What happened exactly?" Kay asked her friend as she wrapped a comforting arm around Anna who was shaking. "I went in the room and lay down on the bed. I turned facing the window and saw that it was open about three inches and that the screen was gone. I headed for the door, and that's when the dagger flew from somewhere outside and came this close to hitting me." She said and then hugged her friend tightly. "If I didn't know any better…I'd think someone was trying to kill you." Kyle said. "Another vampire? Maybe that Sethander guy who was here the other night." He suggested. Anna thought about it but then shook her head. "No….he'd only want me dead if he knew I was not going to be bitten. I haven't chosen yet…of course it could be a warning to hurry up with my decision, since it didn't hit me…" she mused. "That…or that Xavier guy is trying to do me in." she said looking up at her friends. "Xavier?" Kay repeated. "Who's he?" she asked.

     Anna took a deep breath, and ended up telling them what Damien told her about Xavier. "He dislikes humans, so I guess he just wants to get rid of me, rather then have Damien bite me." She said with a sigh. "What you need is protection. We can't do much…since I have to work and so does Kay….but maybe you can use your telepathy stuff and get Damien here to watch you until you decide." Kyle Suggested.

    Seemingly on cue, there was a knock on the door. Kyle walked over to open it. Sure enough, Damien was on the other side. He looked concerned. "Anna are you alright?? I felt your fear and came right over." He said. "What happened, you're as pale as me." He walked over and embraced Anna. Anna told him what had happened. "Did you get a good look at the dagger?" he asked looking hopeful. She thought a moment. "It was about this long." She said spreading her fingers a part 5 inches. "Other then that, not really." She said sadly. Damien's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he looked at the hole in the door. "There's only one person I know that uses daggers still as a method of assassination." He said. "He's a vampire as well, but he doesn't associate with people much. He doesn't even attend the Vampire Council meetings." He fingered the hole a moment and then looked at Anna. "People only know him by the name Scythe. Nobody knows his real name. He is an assassin for hire and is often used by other vampires and sometimes humans to do their dirty work. He's fast, and often spot on but insanely expensive. He leaves no traces he was there….well except for holes where his daggers were. But he never misses his mark. So he was either playing with you, or he's having an off day." He then looked out the window. "I think I should probably stay here and watch you. Do you have a basement in this house?" he asked turning to Kyle. 

     Kyle looked at him. "Uh…not really." He said. "This is a single story house. No basement, no second floor or attic. Just a crawl space accessible through that panel in the ceiling, it's just full of cobwebs, dust and insulation." He shrugged. Damien frowned a moment and then chewed on his lip. "I was mainly asking if there was a place that had no windows or anything so Anna and I could stay down there. If there are no windows, there's no chance of him sneaking in, or throwing more daggers at her. I don't want her killed."  He said. "And if my suspicions are correct, I have a feeling I know who hired Scythe." Damien added bitterly.

    "You're thinking Xavier, aren't you?" Anna asked. Damien looked at her then nodded. "He has to be jealous…and he already hates me and hates humans…so it's a good way to stick it to me. Although if he was smart, he'd wait until you decide and become bitten and officially bonded, all he would have to do is kill one of us and the other follows. But I'm guessing he wants to keep you from becoming a vampire because he didn't get a chance to have a mate since his killed herself." He said with a sigh. "I can't take you home with me…because Xavier would have an easy chance at getting to you. I can't let you stay here without protection…but we need a safe place we can go. If we go though, chances are we are going to be followed and Scythe, can watch for a perfect moment to get at you." He frowned. "I have no choice but to stay here until you decide." He said with a definitive nod. "No pressure or anything." He said as a light afterthought.

     Anna looked up at him, hugging her arms around her. "Yeah, no pressure." She repeated softly and looked down.

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