Chapter 13

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     Kay and Anna stayed up in Anna's room and talked about 'girl things' until they both started to get hungry. Anna suggested that she whip something quick up in the kitchen. Kay suggested they call for a pizza. Anna didn't need much convincing, and she ordered a pepperoni and cheese pizza for her and Kay to share. Anna and Kay sat in the living room and watched TV until the pizza came. When it came, she and Kay forked over the cash and brought the pie into the kitchen. 

     Later, when pizza and soda was consumed, and they watched TV for a while…Kay eventually headed on home. Anna was then left by herself once again in the large and empty house. She was happy that Kay did come and she could spend time with her. She cleaned up the mess left by them when they ate the pizza and then turned off the TV and went back upstairs. Just as she entered her room, she heard her phone ringing. She grabbed it and saw that it was her mother calling again. She sighed and wondered what excuse her mother would come up with, this time. She accepted the call and held it to her ear. "Hello mom." She said to her mother on the other side of the receiver.  "Ah…actually no." a different voice sounded on the other end. "I'm actually a colleague of your mothers. I'm sorry to have to tell you this dear, but your mother was involved in a car accident. She was rushed to the hospital but I'm afraid she didn't make it." The voice said. Anna froze. Her mother was dead??? "Sorry it took so long to get a hold of you. We didn't even know she had a daughter, until we went through her phone contacting people. Your father knows, and he'll be coming into town in a few days for the funeral. I'm sorry Anna. All of us here at the firm will miss her greatly." There was then a click and the voice was replaced by a dial tone. Anna hung up the phone numbly.

     Her next few moments were stiff and doll-like. She couldn't believe that her mother was dead. Already she wasn't around enough….now she wouldn't be around at all. She sat down on her bed and stared blankly at the wall, for a few hours. She didn't cry, and she didn't get angry. She just stared at her Gemini poster for the whole time that she sat there. Eventually she got up and began moving around. Her thoughts began to race. Her father was coming, but only because his wife died. He didn't care about her. And what would happen to her? Her mother wouldn't be coming back to take care of things. She definitely couldn't live alone in the house. She couldn't pay bills or anything…her mother took care of that. Her father would probably sell the house and kick her out or something. Or worse, make her live over seas with him.

     She shuddered. Her thoughts then turned to Damien. If she needed anyone right now, it'd be him. Kay just wasn't good at comforting people. It'd just be awkwardly quiet and Kay would be uncomfortable. Damien seemed like the kind who would be there, and hold her and just comfort her as long as she needed. She wished she had a way of contacting Damien while he was at his vampire council meeting. She decided just to go to bed early that night. Nothing would cheer her up now, so why bother trying.


     Damien and all the other vampires rose when the sun went down. They rose, and dressed in the finest clothes that they owned. Since vampires were known for dressing elegantly, they kept the tradition of doing so, even in the more modern years. Damien put on a pair of black trousers, and a white shirt. He placed a black crush velvet coat on, that trailed down to the backs of his knees. The white shirt he wore had ruffles on the front. The ruffles draped down his chest, and rested above the velvet of his coat. He slicked back his brown hair and was then finally ready for the Feast of Blood. 

     Damien met Sethander, Eva and Xavier in the hall as he stepped from his room. The four of them headed down into the large ball room, which held the large, clear glass vial filled with blood. There were chairs all around, and once everyone was seated, the three members of the High Council stood. "We, three of the High Council welcome you to the Centennial Vampire Council meeting. Tonight, we will celebrate our joining together after one hundred years. We will drink the blood of the Feast, and become brothers and sisters, like our ultimate Lord intended." The High Council member started and then he paused a moment for dramatic effect. 

     "We are here, thanks to our Lord, the one and only Dracula. If he were here today, he would be so proud to see just how well his children fared. And if he were here, he would be proud that those who have sired new vampires. Keeping the race alive, means we can be around that much longer, and eventually our numbers can be greater then the humans!" he said. There was a cheer all around at that. "But we must be wary. You must keep your true identities a secret. For of anyone knows who isn't a vampire…they can tell other humans and then, our race will be in danger." The High Council member spoke in serious tones, and looked all around the room. Damien tried not to look guilty, since he did tell a human what he was. He caught Sethander's gaze as he looked at him, with one of those looks. Damien avoided his gaze and tried not to attract attention to himself.

      The High Council members took turns talking to everyone, and as the third member spoke, each vampire was handed a large crystal goblet. "Now, we will line up single file, starting here. No need to rush, everyone will get some." He said as he pointed to where the line was to begin. After about an hour, every last vampire was served the blood they stood in front of their chairs. The High Council raised their glasses. " Sanguis tuus pater, venis. Bibam taum honor. Lorem porege nos." They spoke in Latin. It translated to; 'Blood of thy father in my veins. I drink to your honor. Please protect us.' The council then told the others to repeat. After they repeated the oath, all at once, they began to drink the blood.

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