Chapter 27

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The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Damien peered around the floor and didn't see many people. He stepped out of the elevator and searched for the room number that Kay had told him.

He counted the door numbers as he walked down the hall. He passed the nurses’ station and then was stopped by one of the nurses.

"Can I help you young man?" she asked standing in front of him.

He looked at the woman, and laughed to himself. 'If only you knew how old I really was.' He said into his head as the nurse waited for him to respond.

    "I'm looking for Anna Blue's room." He told her.

The nurse- who held a clip board with all the patients' names and room numbers- didn't look for Anna's room number.

"Are you family to Miss Blue?" the nurse asked. "We allowed Miss Winters to see  Miss Blue, because the young girl is all she has that is close to family." The nurse explained.

 "I'm her…fiancé." He said. He had to find the right word, since saying 'betrothed' would date him way too much. "We're engaged to one another. We had a bit of a fight and I wasn't around." He lied.

The nurse eyed him a moment and then sighed. "Very well, she's in that room right there." She pointed. Damien thanked the nurse and then went into Anna's room. 

          He watched her from the doorway from a long time. The room was only big enough for one bed, since the rest of the room held machines that were beeping and humming.

He approached the bed she lay in very slowly. He peered down into her face, and watched her breathing. Something he didn't do. He didn't live…he just….existed. He clutched the railing that boxed in Anna, and he looked at her.

"I'm sorry Anna.." he whispered. "I didn't mean for all of this to happen. I didn't want Kyle to die, and I didn't want you hurt. This is my own fault. I should have protected you better. What sort of vampire am I, if I can't even keep my Soul mate safe from harm?" he said and then sunk down into the chair that was placed near the bed.   


     He sat there, and watched her for a very long time. After a while, Anna's blue eyes fluttered open. Her vision was a bit blurry, but after she blinked a few times she was able to see clearly. She felt so weak, and so heavy. She could barely move. Her chest felt weird, but it didn't hurt. She turned her head and saw Damien.

"…Da..mien?" she breathed out. He nodded and looked down at her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

She took a few breaths before answering. "…weak….tired." she said softly.

He reached out to stroke her hair. "Then rest Anna." He said. "No need in straining yourself." He told her.

She closed her eyes and ended up going back to sleep. He watched her and then he backed out of the room and headed back down to Kay.  


          A week had passed, but Anna wasn't showing any progress. In fact, it seemed like she was growing weaker. They had to use more tubes to give her nutrients, because she was too weak to eat anything for herself.

Kay was there on a daily basis, and when Kay went home and visiting hours were over, he snuck into the window and sat with Anna as she slept. He feared that even with the transplant, Anna was going to die. She was rejecting the heart that her friend gave her to live. He frowned and held her hand as she lay there. 

          Anna opened her eyes and looked at him.

"D…damien." She whispered, barely audible. He leaned in close to her. She looked at him with shiny eyes, wet with tears about to spill over her eyes. "I…I know I'm dying.,." she said. "And…when I do…I want you to be there for Kay. She might not want you around her, but keep an eye on her. Please." She said as she began to cry.

 Damien frowned and wiped her tears away. Anna looked at him a moment. "Anna, I can save you…" he said. "You don't have to die. I can bite you and you will remain existing in this world." He replied to her.

Anna looked at him. "What about Scythe? He can still try and come after me, if I'm a Vampire. I'm not safe regardless." She said.

     "I'll protect you." He said. "I won't let Scythe get you. I swear on my love for you, that I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. Sethander is looking for Scythe. I can protect you while Sethander searches and kills him. Please, don't give up Anna. Not when there's another option." He said looking at her with pleading eyes. 

    Machines started to go haywire. Her heart monitor was beeping furiously. Anna was slipping away. Nurses rushed in, and saw Damien there. "What are you doing in here? How did you get in??" she insisted. The other nurses and then a doctor came in, trying to help her stay alive. Damien bit his lip and then stopped time, with a save of his hand.

Everyone stopped moving, but himself and Anna. "Anna! Give me permission to save you!" he said taking her hand. "Please!! Allow me to bite you.." he pleaded. Anna opened her eyes and stared at him. Time was stopped, but she was still fading away. "Please…just…give me permission." He said, for the first time, feeling wetness in his eyes. "I don't want to lose you Anna."

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now