Chapter 14

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     The council seemed to go on and on, it felt like to Damien. After the Feast of Blood ceremony ended, the rest of the night was announcing any deaths and any new vampires who had been 'born' from a bite from their sire. A lot had happened since the last meeting a hundred years ago. Even though the death list was short, the new comer list was a lot longer. Also what made it slow was each Sire was called up to the podium along with those he bit, showing off the new fledglings to the rest of the true vampires.

     The announcements were finished right before dawn. Each vampire slipped from the ball room and to their own rooms to sleep the day away. The next night, would consist of those fledglings that were ready to be tested for full vampirism. A couple dozen vampire fledglings had been training this last century, preparing for the next council so they could do the tasks and hope to pass them and become full fledged vampires. 

     Damien sat alone in his room, the dark curtains drawn to keep the light out. He sat there in the flickering light of a set of candles set in a candelabrum. He was lay back onto the bed and stared at the shadows dancing in the flames of the firelight. He was thinking about Anna. It made him sad, that once he returned home, he would see Anna one last time; to tell her he couldn't see her anymore. He sighed and closed his eyes. Something nagging at him made his eyes open. He could sense something was wrong. He sat back up and looked around the room. Nothing seemed amiss…but he couldn't fight the overwhelming sense of sadness and loneliness. 

     His mind thought of Anna. There had to be something wrong with her, and that was why he was sensing what he did. He bit his lip, wishing that he could go and see her. If he left the island, and flitted home, he would be up during the day light. Not that, that was a problem, since the sun didn't bother him, but he would be weaker, and his fangs would be gone. If he left, Sethander would probably come to his room, sensing he was gone. He would be in a heap of trouble, especially since he was on an island with hundreds of other vampire, and the Head Council members which said specifically not to associate with any humans. If he left to be with one, not only would he shame himself, he would shame his Sire, Sethander as well as all the vampires that lived. He would set a bad example for the fledglings and most likely make them question their sires and cause problems.

     He would have to wait. One more night should suffice for the tasking, and ceremonies that welcomed the fledglings as full vampires. Waiting would kill him, but he couldn't risk it. He lay back down, and continued to feel the sadness-- of what had to be from Anna-- wash over him. He closed his eyes, and eventually he fell asleep.


     When morning came, Anna heard a voice. She sort of recognized the voice, but she couldn't place it. It was deep and masculine and it was seemingly talking out loud to itself. Anna got out of bed to investigate. She peered from her room and looked down the hall. The voice was coming from downstairs. She grabbed her can of mace and then crept down the hall and to the stairs. In case it was an intruder, she would be ready.

      She made her way slowly down each step and then came up to a suit. Well, the back of one anyway. A man stood there in her living room, talking on a cell phone, with his back to her. His hair was raven black, and he was easily six feet tall. He turned around suddenly and looked surprised that Anna was there. "I need to call you back James, my daughter is awake now." He said. He then hung up and placed the phone into his inner suit pocket. "Good morning Anna." He said.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now