Chapter 10

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Anna couldn't believe that Damien had kissed her!  She had never been kissed before, so she wasn't expecting it, or knew what to look for when he leaned towards her. The feel of his lips on hers, was cool. Not unpleasant, but different.

 It wasn't anything like kissing a cold dead fish, quite the opposite. Though he was technically 'dead' and had no warmth he made up for it technique. Even though the kiss he gave her was quick, didn't diminish the quality at all. 

 She giggled, like she never did before and then she went into the kitchen to put the food away, put water on their dishes and then she turned off all the lights and headed upstairs.

 If she kept a diary she'd be writing in it right now, but she always thought that to be a silly waste of time. She could tell Kay….but she doubted that Damien wanted his secret of being a vampire told to anyone else. She would keep his secret. She couldn't wait until the next time she could see him.

 She had no idea, that when Damien did return, it'd be for the last time. She thought that he'd continue to meet with her and they could continue on their way to…wherever they were headed. Damien had mentioned being friends before, but with the kiss he gave her that night, might just mean that he intends to pursue a different kind of relationship.

    Anna headed to her room and flopped onto her bed. She lay on her back and stared at the ceiling. As she lay there, she recalled what Damien said about him being immortal and how he normally didn't make friends because he was long living. 

As she began thinking, her heart began to sink a little. She and he couldn't have a relationship. Already she wasn't supposed to be talking to him, and if anyone found out that he was talking to her, he'd be in trouble. 

She got her hopes up for nothing. The kiss was just a kiss. Surely he wouldn't lead her on to eventually end up heartbroken at the end of all this. She and Damien would just be friends. He would visit; they'd talk and keep one another company.

 Anna got off her bed, long enough to change into her sleepwear. She then slid through.

It brought him back, to where he was currently. His thoughts ended and now he had a decision to make. Those few nights were enough for him to get to know her and begin to like her. He didn't want to say goodbye. He didn't want Anna to be just a memory just yet. She was so…alive and she wasn't scared of him. Because of the stupid vampire rules, he would either have to bite her and make her a vampire, or leave her by herself again and never see her anymore. 

The thought of both made him very sad. He didn't want to doom her to a life of the immortalized, nor did he want to never see her again. He was damned no matter what he did. He sighed and rested his head against the bars that were on top of the house. It'd be dawn soon, and he would need sleep. He would need his energy to flit with the others to the location of the council meeting. 

He sighed, and jumped off the roof, landing with a puff of dirt under his feet. He then walked slowly towards the house, the sun slowly rising as he walked on. His fangs shortened with the rising of the sun and the light revealed his pale complexion. 

 His steps were soft and slow as he returned to the basement. He opened his coffin and slipped in. The council would most likely hear about his meetings with Anna. He wouldn't doubt it, if he got some sort of punishment from them as well. 

Sethander was a member of the council, and he took a lot of cases and dealt out punishments, so he hoped that's all he'd get….but once the whole of vampire kind knew he had been fraternizing with a human…he'd get snubbed and most likely considered an untrue vampire. 

Oh, how Sethander would like that. His ego was large, and if any of his sired vampires acted out, it also reflected on him…making him look bad that he can't keep his sired vampires in check.

 Damien sighed and closed the lid of his coffin. The next few days were going to be Hell.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now