Chapter 15

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     When all of Anna's stuff was packed, she texted Kay back, saying she was ready to go. It didn't take long, for Kay riding in her brother's car, along with her brother Kyle to drive up in front of the house on the street. Her father was still making calls on his cell phone, but he looked out of the window when he heard the car outside. Anna grabbed what she could carry in two hands, downstairs. Her father turned to look at her. "Where are you going?" he asked as he closed his phone. Anna looked at him with a look. "I told you, I'm moving out. I called Kay and she's gonna put me up for a bit. She came with her brother's car to help me move. The furniture can stay, since she won't have room for it, but everything else I own is in bags." She told him. 

     Anna headed right to the door and then headed outside. She met Kay and Kyle half way. Kyle grabbed her large duffle bag and carried it to the car. Anna followed Kyle with her other bag. They stuffed them into the back seat and then Kyle opened the trunk. "How much stuff do you have?" he asked. "It should all fit. My clothes are here in the bags and suitcases, I had no boxes so the rest of my crap is in garbage bags." She said with a shrug. He nodded and headed up the walk way back towards the house to retrieve the rest of Anna's belongings. 

     Anna's father stood by the door, and watched as Kay's brother headed upstairs to Anna's room. Anna went back inside and looked at her father. "You didn't think I was serious?" she asked. "No, of course not. You've had your temper tantrums before, and we've always worked past them. I didn't think you'd actually move out." He admitted. Anna turned to Kay for a moment to tell her to follow her brother and grab her things. Kay took this as a cue that she needed let them be alone to talk a moment. 

     Anna looked back at her father. "I'm not seven anymore." She said. "This isn't a temper tantrum, it's an 'I'm sick of you trying to make things better when you can't' deal. You think that you can waltz in here, and pretend that nothing is wrong. Well you can't. You came here because mom died, not for me. I don't need you. I'm independent enough to live here on my own, I did so already for the better part of ten years. Sure most of that time was with family friends or with Nana and Poppa, but they're old people who can't relate to me, even if they try. I need to be here, with my friend. And do you KNOW how much school I've missed being shipped from place to place? I've gotten so sick of being behind and failing that I just dropped out. How's that for ya? I'm a high school drop out, because you and mom were so 'busy' with work. I tried applying myself, but it's not really easy trying to catch up when you're not in town to go to school. And when I did go to school I was so behind on class work that I had no idea what the hell they were saying, and I failed tests….badly." she said. "Anyway, I'm done. I should have been done a long time ago, but this is the last straw. I'm never coming back here…don't try looking for me. I don't even think I want to attend mom's funeral. Not with all the people there who'll surround me and feel sorry for me. That's the LAST thing I want." She said with a shake of her head.

     When Kyle and Kay had gotten the last of her stuff, she got into the car with them and drove off. She didn't ever want to see her house again. She didn't want to see her father again. She was done with this life. Her future was now with Damien, and her friend. 


     Anna had been set up in the spare bedroom for the meantime. She would have to share the room with exercise furniture and stuff that had been moved in to make more room elsewhere, but she didn't care. She shoved her bags into the closet and hung up her clothes. Kay gave Anna one of those simple plastic 'assemble yourself' shelves to place her clothes and such on. Kay and Kyle lived alone in a three bedroom house. Their parents had long sense died in a car accident, so they knew how Anna felt. Kay and Kyle were twins, both of which were both a few years older then Anna. Kyle worked at the mall, in one of those clothing stores. He did well, so that helped pay for food and utilities. The house had been long paid off by their parents, so the only thing they needed to worry about was utilities, phone and food. 

     Kyle had to go off to work, leaving Kay and Anna by themselves in the house. "You can stay here as long as you want girl. I wont kick my best friend out, not when she's going through what we did two years ago." She said as they were sitting next to each other on the couch in the living room. Anna nodded. "That means a lot to me Kay. I just had to get away from that place. Now that mom is gone, there's nothing holding me there." She said. Kay nodded her agreement. "You want to go and bug Kyle?" she suggested, trying to cheer up her friend. Anna looked over at her friend. "Nah, maybe some other time. Right now, I just want to relax, and enjoy being here with you, in a house that's not mine." She said as she smiled a little. 


     The tasks had been set, and performed by the fledgling vampires during the council. The night had drawn on while each fledgling was tested. A few failed, but most passed. They were officially presented as full vampires, and then another feast was held in the honor of those who 'graduated'. Damien was so bent on returning home. Most vampires were leaving that night, beating the time between the end of the council meeting and dawn. Others prompted to stay another morning, and return home the following night. They were exhausted and too tired to flit home. Damien turned to Sethander as they headed back to their rooms. "Can I head home ahead of you? There is something I need to check on." He said as nonchalantly as he could. Sethander looked at him and arched an eyebrow. "If it is to check on that human girl of yours, then the answer is no. You will see her eventually, and I wish to be there when you do. Remember, I am there to make sure you say your goodbyes. I do not want you seeing her on your own." He said. Damien bit his lip, knowing it wasn't wise to question Sethander's decisions. "But….she's sad." He said. "I felt it last night before morning. As I lay there in bed, I sensed an overwhelming sadness. It had to have come from her." He said.

      Sethander looked at him silently for a moment. "Sensing another's' emotions….especially from that long a distance is very rare. Especially between a human and vampire. Usually only those who are destined to be life-bonded share that trait." He said coolly. "I refuse to acknowledge that you are life-bonded to that female. Since she is human and you are vampire." He looked away long enough to get into his room. Damien followed. "What exactly is a life-bond?" Damien asked as he stood there behind Sethander who had followed him inside.

      Sethander looked back at his sired. "Life-bond is a rare occurrence, when you find the one you are destined to be with. I think the humans call it a 'soul mate'. However ours is a bit more severe. Life-bonds, when found and you are joined together officially by ceremony, it becomes a magical tie, that ties you together. You feel emotions of one another, as well as pain. If one of you dies….so does the other." He explained. "You can be life-bond with her, but it won't cause death unless you do the ceremony. Without the ceremony, it's basically magic that makes it so you run into each other when apart, the urge to be together when separated, and nobody else seems remotely attractive to you. Only your life-bond would be the one you want." He said. He heaved a sigh. "You can also pick up emotions from far away. If they are hurt, or sad or angry…" he continued. "But I do not want you being life-bonded to a human. Because when she dies, so will you. Unless you bite her and make her immortal, will I allow it." 

     Damien stood there and took that all in. "But I didn't want to bite her. That would be dooming her to a life of misery." He said. "She'll be miserable if you don't. At least if you bite her, and bond with her fully…the she won't be miserable." Sethander pointed out. "Remember, if you don't bond with her completely, she will basically pine over you. She wont date or marry anyone else, unless she's forced…and even then she won't be happy. I will come with you when you meet her and explain things. I will suggest she be bitten…but we'll see how it goes. Go and get your things, we'll be flitting home in a short while." Sethander told Damien. Damien nodded and went to the door joining the two rooms, and grabbed his belongings from his room. He joined Sethander along with the other two, and headed outside, to flit home.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now