Chapter 25

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 Damien and Kay were waiting in the waiting room for a very long time. It seemed like hours and hours before the doctors came back. Eventually the doctors did come back and walked right over to where Damien and Kay were waiting.

 "We have checked your brother's heart Miss Winters and he seems to be a match for Miss Blue. We can start the operation right now but we need you to sign a release form allowing us to take your brother's heart and give it to Miss Blue." He said.

He handed a clipboard with a release form on it to Kay. Kay took the clipboard and pen offered to her and she read the paper first before she finally signed her name at the bottom. Once the paper was fine she slowly handed it back over to the doctor looked at over and then nodded once and turned and headed back to the operating room.

    Damien looked at Kay's face and the doctor walked off. "Are you going to be okay Kay?" He asked as he looked at the girl.

Kay looked at him for a moment not speaking. "What you think? I just lost my brother and my friend is hurt as well, I'm not doing so well right now. Most of this is your fault you know, if you haven't had met Anna none of this would have happened. You should just go back to where you came from and leave us all alone." Kay said as she turned away from him.

          Damien listened to her words and frowned. "You're right this is my fault but Anna and I are destined for each other so even if I didn't meet her that night we probably would have met again some other time and we would still be in the same situation as we are now. Sethander and Xavier would be upset that I was destined to be with the human, and Xavier would have Scythe come after Anna anyway. It's not just a meeting that's the problem Kay." He said as he looked at Kay.

 "It's because we are destined to be with one another. I didn't ask for it and I sure as heck wasn't planning on it. I figured being a vampire I would be alone for the rest of my life. Well not technically alone, and Sethander Xavier and Eva are there with me in that house."

          Kay gritted her teeth as she listened to Damien. She was angry mostly because her brother was dead and she'd never see him again. Tears of anger and frustration rolled down her cheeks as she balled her hands into fists and shook visibly as anger rolled off of her in waves. Damien could see that she was angry and backed away slightly.

 "Sethander is supposed to be taking care of Xavier. Sethander had to go somewhere and get a sword so he could kill Xavier, since you have to behead a vampire in order for them to die. He should be back any time now. Then Sethander will kill Xavier and take care of Scythe."

     "That still doesn't bring back Kyle. My twin is lost to me forever because of you damn vampires. Just do me a favor you may have to see Anna because you're 'destined to be with one another' but just stay the hell away from me." She said angrily but didn't turn around to look at him.

Damien nodded slightly and then turned and walked out.


           Sethander had retrieved the sword that he was after and flitted back to where Damien and Anna were. He arrived at the house Anna was staying at with her friends Kay and Kyle. He looked around but didn't see anybody and was wondering what was going on.

Just as he turned to leave Damien approached him. "Kyle is dead and Anna has been hurt. Right now Kyle's heart is being transplanted into Anna. Scythe got to her when she was out alone. I went after Xavier to try and talk some sense into him but he's never going to listen. He is set in his ways about humans and women. As long as he stays alive is going to be a threat to Anna and to me. So you might as well just go ahead and kill him, because, as long as he is alive, we're never going to be safe." He said as he looked to his master.

Sethander nodded and then headed towards the house they all live in. Damien followed but stopped thinking. Sethander should take care of Xavier himself without him being there.

     Sethander arrived at the house and headed down to the basement where Xavier was. Xavier was there in the basement near his area doing something that Sethander couldn't tell what.

"Xavier, you have been a thorn in my side ever since that woman you loved killed herself. You have been disobedient and always thinking that you're better than me. You always have thought you were better than you are. You are second rate vampire. I sired you not the other way around." Sethander said to Xavier as he unsheathed the sword.

 Xavier turned at the sound of the metal scraping against the sheath. Xavier looked up at him.

"So what, you going to kill me?" Xavier asked as he approached Sethander. 

          Sethander looked at him angrily at him. "That is exactly when going to do. You have threatened Damien and Anna and this causes too many problems, and what's worse is you have hired Scythe to kill them. He may be a vampire but he is an exiled one and anyone associating with him must pay the consequence. So your punishment for associating with Scythe and not listening to me as being just a general pain in the ass, is death."

At that Sethander charged at Xavier with the sword faster than Xavier could respond. Xavier was beheaded in one clean motion. Once that was over with Sethander cleaned the blade and sheathed it. Now that Xavier was dead, Sethander had only one more thing to do. He had to find and destroy Scythe.

That task would be easy since the assassin was hiding since his exile, and he was crafty. Sethander needed to find him since he would still be after Anna and Damien as long as he was still alive.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now