Chapter 22

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 Anna and Damien were sitting by themselves on the couch in Kay's and Kyle's living room. Kay had gone to sleep, since she had to work later at the club, and Kyle had to go into work, so Anna and Damien were alone. Anna was still a bit freaked out that she was almost killed. She fidgeted a lot, as she sat there. She tugged on the safety pins that were hooked to the hem of her skirt. She was afraid that another dagger would come from somewhere and hit her. "I know you're scared, but I'm here…I won't let anything happen to you." Damien said, trying to reassure Anna. 

     Anna looked up at him. "You said yourself he never misses a mark. And that he's fast. If Scythe wants to kill me, he can whether you're here or not. I don't know how me missed me before, but Damien…he could get me right now, while we're sitting here and talking." She said and bit her lip. Damien sighed. "I really wish I knew of a place that had a basement that wasn't home." He said looking away. "I will need an answer soon though. Sethander, he's getting edgy. He gets angry when he has to wait…" he said to her. "He wishes to be here if you decide to let me bite you." He said to her. "A sire, watching his sired, siring another…some sort of special moment I guess." He said sarcastically. He leaned back on the couch and looked over at her. "You can't string this along. There are more then just you and I in this equation. There is Sethander, Xavier and Scythe in it as well. The longer you wait, the more danger you'll be in."

     "I'll be in danger even if I do let you bite me, Damien." Anna pointed out. "Xavier already hates us…me for being human and you just for being you. Do you not think that he'll continue to try and kill me even after I'm bit? Just because I'll be a vampire won't keep him from trying to do me in. Do us in. The only way, to keep us safe, is to destroy Xavier before he destroys us." She said softly. "I don't want to keep looking behind my back afraid that I'll be killed. Either way I look at it…I'll still be a target as long as he's around. He'll kill me if he gets the chance regardless of whether I'm human or vampire." She explained to him. Damien watched her, and listened to her words as she spoke. 

    "You're absolutely right. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Xavier would try to kill you, despite what decision you make. Our only option would be to destroy him, but not sure how Sethander would react to it. He is after all, one of his sired…Xavier was bit by Sethander before me, so he's like the 'first son'. I'll have to talk to Sethander later." He sighed and closed his eyes. 

     "When? When you leave me to go back home?? You're here trying to keep me from being daggered. Doesn't he have like a cell phone or something on him?" she asked. "You vampires need to move into the 21st century already." She said shaking her head.

     Damien snorted at her comment. "Some of us do carry cell phones. In fact I do think Sethander does. So does Xavier. I don't have a need for one. Although Sethander thinks I should get one, so he can get a hold of me when he or I are not home. I think they're a bother. I think he gave me his number once…" He said as he began searching through his jacket pockets. He slid his hand into the inside pocket and pulled out a few papers. He unfolded one, which was a bit crumpled, but had black numbers on it, as well as Sethander's name. "Here it is." He said holding out the number to her. Anna shook her head. "No, you do it." She said handing her cell phone over to him. "Just punch in the number and hit that green button." She instructed. Damien looked at her a moment, but did as instructed. He held the device to his ear after punching the green button. He heard the ringing for a moment, and then the voice of his master came into his ear.

     "Hello?" Sethanders' voice spoke into the speaker. "M..Master, this is Damien. I'm using Anna's cell phone to call you. Do you think you can stop by her friends' house when you're not busy?" He asked. Sethander replied. "The human decide what she wishes to do then?" Sethander asked in response. Damien cleared his throat. "N…Not exactly, but we do need to talk to you. It's important." He said. There was a sigh on the other end. "Very well. I will come over now. I will be there shortly." He said and then the line went dead. 

     Damien looked over at Anna. "He said he'd be here in a moment." He said and made sure the call was done before he handed the phone back to her. "We'll see what he decides to do about Xavier." He said.

     A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Anna got up cautiously to open the door. The long blond-haired man stood there gazing at her with his cool eyes. She stepped back, letting Sethander inside. "Thank you for coming." She said trying to be polite. He nodded slightly and then headed straight for Damien. "Alright, what is it you wish to speak to me about?" he asked. Damien looked at his Master and cleared his throat again. "Xavier is trying to kill Anna. Well, not him specifically. He hired Scythe." He said to the older vampire. Sethander regarded the statement and then looked back at Anna. "Xavier has been a thorn in my side. Just like Eva is. Both of them get on my nerves, and make me regret ever biting them. You…you so far have not disappointed me too much. Xavier has an attitude which he often lashes at me with, and I believe he has gotten on my last nerve." He said and then looked back at Damien.

      Damien was sort of glad, hearing these words. "Eva is just annoying, but Xavier…he is doing things that I have told him repeatedly not to do. That sharking business he has…I told him to shut it down. He's greedy, selfish and thinks he's better then everyone. I have often contemplated his death. Beheading is so…not this century, but that is the only way he can die. I will need to get a hold of a sword, in order to do the job. A real sword. I have some, at my other house. I would need to flit to go there and back." He told Damien. "You will need to stay here with the woman until my return." 

    Damien nodded. "No problem there. I will stay here until your return." He said and nodded. Suddenly there was another knock at the door. Anna looked confused but went to it carefully. There was a police officer there. "Are you Anna Blue?" he asked. She nodded slightly and then began to worry. "Your friend, Kyle Winters has been stabbed and is currently at Greenvale Community Hospital. He told me, to come and get you, and his sister." The officer stated. Anna went pale again. She turned abruptly and then rushed to go and get Kay. Kay dressed hastily and followed Anna out to the door. "What happened exactly?" Kay demanded. "He works at a goddamned store at the mall! There should be security guards there!" she said getting worked up. "Please calm down miss. I was just told to come and get you both. You can ride in the squad car." He said to Kay. Kay looked at Anna. "You sure you want to come? That guy might try and get you, while you're out." She said worrying about her friend as well. Anna bit her lip and looked behind her as Damien and Sethander came up to the door. "I wish to go as well." Damien said. "I can take Anna. Kay you can go with the officer." He said. Sethander waited for Kay and the officer to leave before he turned to Damien. "I will go after the sword; you get the girl to see her friend. Be careful before returning here. Scythe could get inside while you're gone." He pointed out. Sethander then turned and flitted away. 

     Damien looked at a grief stricken Anna. "He got Kyle!!" she wailed. "Kyle got stabbed…and it had to be because of that assassin Xavier hired. He's going after my friends…it's my fault Kyle is hurt!." She began to sob and dash away tears. "Why does all this stuff have to happen to me?? It's not fair." She continued to sob. "All I wanted was a normal life, and friends, and a family…I don't know what will happen to me if everyone I love dies." She hiccupped and rubbed her eyes. Damien wrapped his arms around her and embraced her gently. "I will be here for you and your friends. I will help Sethander kill Xavier and then we won't have to worry anymore." He said trying to console her. Anna calmed down a little but continued to hiccup occasionally. "Please take me to see Kyle. If he dies…I want to be there for Kay." She said sadly. Damien nodded silently, picked her up bridal style and flitted to the Greenvale Community Hospital

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