Chapter 12

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  When morning came, which followed the night which Damien and the other vampires journeyed to the island for the Council, all the vampires had been settled into their beds and were sleeping away the day. Anna however woke up that day, to the sun shining through her window. Anna got to her feet and did all her usual routines she did every day. When she was dressed and fed, she decided to call Kay. Yes, she needed someone to talk to about what happened that night. She would have to leave out the part about Damien being a vampire, since she vowed to herself that she wouldn't reveal to anyone else that he was one. She pulled her cell phone from the charger that was plugged into the wall socket and then texted her friend. 'Kay…you busy today? I have stuff I wanna tell you!' she wrote and then hit send. She sat on her bed and waited to see if Kay would reply right away. Her phone chimed and she read the text. 'Not really girl, what's going on?' Kay texted back to her. Anna grinned and then replied. 'Come to my place?' she suggested as she sent. The return buzz came with the reply 'sure, be there in ten.' 

      Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Anna bounded down to the door and opened it. Her friend Kay stood there stretching the gum in her mouth with her fingers. "What's so important that I had to come over?" she asked as Anna stepped aside to let her in. "It's about Damien." Anna answered as she shut the door. Kay and Anna headed up to Anna's room. They both sat on the bed. "So spill it. You're obviously ecstatic about something." She said looking at her friend as she blew out a pink bubble then sucked it back into her mouth when it popped.

    Anna leaned back on her bed and gave a slight smile. "Last night, when Damien was here….before he left…he kissed me!" She said and gave a little giggle. Kay arched her pierced eyebrow. "Seriously? You're already moving that fast? You just met the guy…like what, two days ago and on the third day you're making out with him? I didn't know you were like that." She said. Anna looked down at her friend. "Did I say we made out? No, he just gave me a small kiss on the lips as he left the house last night. I'm not so easy or desperate that I'd let some guy I met two days ago cop a feel, slip me tongue or anything like that." She said disgustedly. She thought Kay knew her better then that. "He's really nice. He's like a gentleman. He wouldn't jump on me…not like your ex." Anna pointed out. Kay made face. "Don't remind me of that jerk." She said bitterly. "So I made a mistake. We all do at one point. I might have gotten a bit carried away, but I learned my lesson ok?" she asked. "Just drop it." 

     Anna sighed. "I didn't mean to offend you Kay. I was just making a comparison." She explained. Truce?" she said. Kay nodded slowly. "Sorry…but you know how offensive I get when people talk about it. They wouldn't stop getting on my case." She said. Anna nodded. "I know." She responded. "Anyway…I wont see Damien tonight, he said he had to go to a Va…erm….a convention for a few days." She said. Hearing the slip up Kay looked at her. "What were you about to say?" Kay asked. Anna shook her head. "It was nothing. He just said it was a convention that he and his room mates had to go to." She said. Kay blew another bubble and let it pop. "He lives with people? Did he tell you about them?" she asked. Anna shook her head "Not much, just their names. There's Xavier and Eva, and then the owner of the house…named Sethander." She said.

      Kay's eyebrows shot up with surprise. "Sethander?" she repeated. Anna nodded and then tilted her head. "Yeah, why?" said Anna. "You don't know?" Kay asked. "No, you wouldn't be, of course not…you're not familiar with vampire myths. Sethander is the name of one pretty bad ass vampire. Not exactly up there with Dracula mind you, but if you read vampire lore….there is mention of him a bunch of times." She said. "Not a very common name if you ask me. You sure this dude that you're seeing isn't one?" she asked seriously. "I know you may think I'm nuts for believing in them, but I think they're real, and that's what has been behind those crazy stories you hear on the news. Like that one robber that was found outside this store, he was going to rob. He cut the security camera cables and then passed out. When he came to he changed his mind about robbing the place. The cops found him the next morning but since he didn't actually rob the store, he was let off. The guy vowed never to steal again. Freaky stuff there Anna." She said "Then there are those cows out in the boonies that are going crazy…They have sores on their neck and they act weird. They stay inside the barns and sleep, instead of eating during the day. Then at night, a few of them come out and begin grazing like they're vampire cows." She said. Anna laughed at that story. "Vampire cows? That's crazy Kay." She said. Kay shook her head. "What aren't you telling me Anna? Come on, there's more to this guy then you're letting on." She said. "Spill." 

     Anna looked at her friend sitting across from her. She bit her lip and then began telling everything that happened that night that Damien showed her his fangs and his strength. "You've got to keep it a secret. Please Kay, promise me you won't tell anyone. Damien will already get in trouble if his sire Sethander finds out about our meetings. If anyone finds out about them, and then evades their home…I'd feel really bad. And then Damien won't trust me." She frowned. Kay was silent for a moment, as she mulled everything over. She then looked up at her friend who was pleading with her, with her eyes. "Alright…not that anyone believes my stories now…who'd listen to some bat shit crazy blonde who yammers on about knowing about real vampires." She said with a shrug. "You're secret is safe with me, but girl….you need to be careful with those guys. Sethander is known for being very stealthy. He comes across as calm, cool and collected but man, he's dangerous. The stories I've read about him….in his younger days. I doubt his mannerisms changed any. Just be careful Anna." Kay warned. Anna nodded and looked a bit worried as she looked out the window. "I know Damien won't bite me….but I don't know about his other friends. If they find out, who knows what they might do." She said looking on through the window.

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